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8 important achievements of the resistance in Al-Aqsa storm operation according to the famous American diplomat

Pak Sahafat – A famous American diplomat pointed to several important achievements of the resistance in the first days of the Al-Aqsa storm operation and emphasized that Washington’s support for Israel in this war means confirming the continuation of Tel Aviv’s crimes against the Palestinian people and their ethnic cleansing.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, “Charles Freeman”, the former assistant minister of defense and the former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, in response to the major Palestinian resistance operation against the Zionist regime, pointed out the achievements that Hamas made in the first few days of this war.

This American diplomat stated that this attack by Hamas is like an escape from a big prison called Gaza and a revolution for Palestinians who have lost their security and are under severe siege.

The normalization of Saudi Arabia and Israel has no chance of success

In an article written by this American diplomat, it is stated that this war will end the possible normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and of course this agreement had no chance of success from the beginning. Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs considered the normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia as a card that changes the rules of the game in the Middle East, which is fundamentally not true. But Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden may change these rules according to their domestic policies.

He added, but I don’t think the main cause of this Palestinian attack is to prevent the establishment of official relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, but this operation is more similar to the “Tet” attack in the Vietnam War. Hamas’s attack on Israel was like a prison break and a revolution for the desperate in Gaza. The people of Gaza are under severe siege and their suffering is so unbearable that nothing is impossible here. In this way, Hamas organized an unannounced and planned attack using the surprise strategy and was able to achieve these achievements at the very beginning:

Read more:

Informed resistance sources: A bigger surprise is coming for the Zionists inside Gaza’

– This attack was a clear response to the extreme Israeli cabinet formed by Netanyahu. The big operation of Hamas was also a response to the continuous Israeli attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the massacre of Palestinians in the West Bank; That too in the situation that the Arab and Western countries had no reaction to these events.

– With this operation, Hamas introduces itself as the legitimate and national voice of the Palestinians and at the same time exposes the policies of the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas, which is in the service of Israel.

– Through this operation, Hamas increases its credibility and enjoys the support of the Arab and Islamic world. What about the support of Palestinians all over the world.

– The al-Aqsa storm operation that Hamas launched reveals the failure of the policies of the United States and other major world powers against Israel’s increasing oppression of the Palestinians and the ethnic cleansing it is carrying out against them.

– With this attack, Hamas is taking revenge for the violence that Israel inflicts on Palestinian civilians.

– The Al-Aqsa storm operation pulls the rug out from under the “Ibrahim” agreement (the Arab and Zionist regime’s normalization agreements); the agreement through which Israel wanted to avoid accountability for the crimes it commits against the Palestinians. The operation also eliminates any possibility of normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

– This Hamas attack puts countries like Egypt and Jordan and other Arab countries that have established official relations with Israel under the pressure of their nations.

– Hamas has taken prisoners from among the Israelis, which it can use as a trump card in the prisoner exchange deal for the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

America’s support for Israel means confirming the continuation of its crimes against the Palestinians

According to this article, the geopolitical risks of this war are that it may spread to other areas of the region and become a regional war, and at the same time, a big violent campaign against the supporters of Zionism will be launched in different countries. The idiotic comment made by US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan last week, who said that the Middle East has reached a reassuring level of peace and stability, is another example of the illusions that govern US diplomacy.

The aforementioned American diplomat further emphasized that solidarity with Israel in this war is only limited to countries where “Islamophobia” has taken root; However, the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians may change this situation in these countries as well. America’s support for Israel and giving it the “right to defend” is considered at the international level as the continuation of Israel’s oppression against the Palestinians and their ethnic cleansing, and the world will witness strong opposition to this approach.

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