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Friday, September 20, 2024

“Al-Aqsa Storm” is the most important issue of this year

PNN – In the last one year, many events happened at the international level, each of which could have been the most important event of the year if it had happened at a different time, but the Al-Aqsa storm operation had such serious consequences that it can be safely said that the international system before and after the 7th of October has been transformed and is no longer the same as before this operation.

A few weeks after the Al-Aqsa storm operation, campaigns in support of Palestine were published in the cyberspace, especially the Tik Tok social network, which the US is seeking to completely ban its use these days. One of these campaigns started with the release of a video of an American woman who said that after the 7th of October and the terrible crime that Israel (regime) is doing, I decided to do a little Google and find out more about Israel and Palestine and the story of the conflict between them. This American woman went on to say: I realized that everything the American government and media were telling us was a lie and that Israel has been an occupier and has been committing crimes since the beginning.

After the video was published, other people also published similar videos saying that they are just now realizing the reality of Israel, and at least the recent events had the benefit of realizing that the reality is different from what they have been telling us for years.

Another of these campaigns was related to the study and search of young people from all over the world about Islam. They said that they are deeply influenced by the faith of the people of Gaza and they do not understand how it is possible to lose your home and your loved ones in an instant, be injured and have no food to eat, but still read the Quran and say “Hasbunallah wa Nem al-Wakil” ». This issue had made them decide to do more research about Islam to know what causes these, according to them, strange reactions of the Palestinians.

Read more:

Burrell: The situation in Gaza is a symbol of the failure of humanity

The rise of Islamophobia, the approach of the mainstream media

Recently, the United Nations warned that Islamophobia in the world has reached an alarming level. The number of attacks related to anti-Islamism in America in 2023 has increased by 216% compared to the previous year. Although Islamophobia has a long history, after the attacks of September 11, 2001 in America, the wave of Islamophobia and anti-Islamism entered a new stage, and its trend has been almost continuously increasing. On the other hand, the issue of Palestine has been reported almost from the beginning by the mainstream media with serious gatekeeping. Normally, when covering the news related to the conflict between Palestine and the Zionist regime, these media talk with the Zionist officials and their quotes and narrations are preferable to the Palestinian narration. After October 7th, this story continues even more seriously.

The Guardian newspaper on October 18 also mentions the death of Palestinians due to lack of water and does not mention that this water crisis is because Israel has destroyed their water and sewage system and only writes that the people of Gaza do not have access to water and that is why they are dying.

Reducing support for Israel; Increasing support for the Palestinians

Now, taking into consideration this background where organized anti-Islamism exists in many countries, especially in Western countries, and on the other hand, the issue of Palestine has always been brought to the audience with a special filter, popular campaigns have been launched to talk about Islam and Palestine directly by themselves; It means that not only the narrative of the mainstream media about this issue has been challenged, but the distrust of these citizens towards the narrative of the governments and the media has reached such a level that they say we have to do our own research.

Still, many doubtingly say that Hamas started this operation by mistake, and now with these widespread crimes committed by the Zionist regime, nothing will be left of Gaza, Palestine and Palestinians. Such a sentence only comes to mind if we only look at what is happening in Gaza with a one-dimensional view; Of course, it is a special look that is only focused on bombings and crimes. If we open the lens of the camera a little, these same scenes are also completing the puzzle of Tofan al-Aqsa operation.

These images and the living and daily resistance of the people of Gaza, their recitation of the Koran and their calmness, their efforts to stay in their land and not give in to forced migration have made the public opinion of the world understand that the story is not the same as it has been narrated for 75 years.

According to a recent Gallup poll, the number of support for Israel among American citizens has reached its lowest level of 40%, and more importantly, 42% said they identify with Palestine.

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