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Brazil, the new destination of “Xavier Mili” to confront socialism and support Israel and Ukraine

PNN – The “Conservative Political Action Conference” in Brazil became a platform and a space for the government of Javier Milli, the libertarian president of Argentina, to criticize the ruling socialism in Latin American countries, support Ukraine and the Zionist regime, and challenge the future of the Mercosur trade bloc.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, after the visit of Argentine President Javier Milli to Spain at the end of June and criticizing the “dangers”, “degeneracy” and “disaster” of the prevailing socialism in this country, this time he went to Brazil, where the leftist Lula da Silva is leaning on the presidential seat.

Xavier Mili, who did not meet Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez during his trip to Spain and asked the Spaniards not to ruin their lives with the policies of the socialist ideology, also neglected to meet with his counterpart during his trip to Brazil, and not only did not meet with Da Silva, he preferred to denounce the socialism of the 21st century in his speech.

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Attending the long-awaited Conservative Political Action Conference, the world’s largest and most influential right-wing forum in Brazil, Argentina’s president hugged the former president of Brazil and main political rival da Silva, Jair Bolsonaro, and sacrificed this “leader of freedom”.

The difference between the leaders of Brazil and Argentina as the two major partners of “Mercosur”, uncertainty about the future of the most important trade bloc in Latin America

As Efe news agency explains, the Argentine president’s comments during his first visit to Brazil had created great expectations about the possibility of repeating his criticism of Lula da Silva, who he previously called “communist and corrupt”. Although at one point in his speech Javier Milli referred to Bolsonaro as a freedom leader who is being persecuted in Brazil, Milli was content to read his speech without mentioning the Brazilian government or relations between the two countries.

However, the important point is that Xavier Milli preferred the trip to Brazil to participate in the Conservative Political Action Conference to the Mercosur meeting (the South American common market consisting of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay).

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In 1991, as countries across Latin America shed military dictatorships and embraced free-market ideas, the formation of Mercosur, a customs union of once-separated neighbors, signaled a regional breakthrough with the promise of capital on the other side. But experts believe that in recent decades, protectionism and political volatility have destroyed many hopes.

According to this American media, Javier Milli’s shocking decision to withdraw from this annual summit, which was a crucial opportunity to thaw relations with his ideological enemy Lula da Silva, made the situation more complicated.

Relations between the presidents of Brazil and Argentina, as two major Mercosur partners, have been at zero since da Silva supported Sergio Massa, the Peronist candidate and Javier Milli’s rival, in Argentina’s election campaigns, and Milli called the Brazilian president “corrupt” in response.

Xavier Milli’s defense of his government’s plans among conservatives

Xavier Mili refrained from any comments or actions that could threaten the relations between Brasilia and Buenos Aires. Part of his speech at this right-wing conference, which brought together nearly 3,500 people, including far-right officials from countries such as Mexico and Chile, he devoted to the internal conditions of Argentina and the actions of its government.

He said that the opponents of his government are willing to use violence and sabotage to “prevent the changes that the society wants”, and criticized the boycott of his initiatives, calls for strikes to paralyze the country, and violent demonstrations in front of the Congress.

Milli added that the reforms he passed in Congress to change government, economic and labor laws are the biggest in Argentina’s history and five times more than those implemented by then-President Carlos Menem.

Attacking socialists, Milli claimed that his libertarian ideology could be applied to other Latin American countries ravaged by socialism.

He claimed that the time has come for the world to wake up and expel socialism; A system that, according to him, has sent more than 150 million people to death all over the world.

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Argentina’s foreign policy in contrast with Brazil’s approach; Xavier Miley’s government’s support for Ukraine and the Zionist regime, contrary to the neutral approach of Lula da Silva’s government.

Another important point of the Argentine government’s position through the platform of the Congress of Latin American Rightists is that Javier Milli’s government justified its decision to align with Ukraine and the Zionist regime in their respective laws and, as a result, distanced itself from Brazil’s positions.

Luis Alfonso Petri, the Minister of Defense of Argentina, said in his speech: “Argentina previously accepted Venezuela and Cuba, and now we are doing this with countries that defend life.”

He added: Since the libertarian leader took office last December, Argentina has clearly declared its alignment with Ukraine and Israel, contrary to the positions adopted by the former government of Alberto Fernandez.

Such positions put Argentina’s foreign policy at odds with that of Lula da Silva’s government, which has defended Brazil’s neutrality in both wars and raised serious criticism from Kiev and Tel Aviv.

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