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Friday, September 20, 2024

Expensiveness, fear and escape; Bringing war to the Zionists

PNN – In addition to all the damage that the war in the Gaza Strip has done to the Israeli economy, the regime is also struggling with unprecedented inflation, fear and the flight of Zionists.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, the media of the Zionist regime are reporting that the economic life of this regime is falling due to the fact that it has been facing the most severe losses and challenges for more than 10 months due to the war.

The media outlets have cited the flight of doctors from the occupied Palestinian territories, along with other social and economic consequences of the war, such as inflation and insane price increases, as other disasters plaguing the Israeli economy.

Channel 14 TV of the Zionist regime announced that the increase in prices and the 3.2% increase in inflation are other signs of the poor economic situation in this regime.

“Ben Yenio”, the reporter of this network, said in a program that investigated the deterioration of the economic situation in the occupied territories: The prices in all sectors, from fruits and vegetables to entertainment and housing, have increased like crazy.

He added: Some families are on the brink of destruction due to the summoning of youths to fight in the past few months, and some have reached the verge of collapse due to the unprecedented jump in prices, including in the housing sector.

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Zionist doctors: Our place is no longer here

Channel 13 of the Zionist regime’s TV also pointed out the high number of doctors who flee from the occupied territories in a report titled “Horrible Statistics”.

This network announced the number of doctors who have fled occupied Palestine since the beginning of the war against the Gaza Strip, 10 times more than normal times.

The deputy director general of doctors at Tel Aviv’s “Ikhilov” hospital, who is in charge of human resources in the second largest hospital in the occupied territories, said: “Quiet migration”, which existed only as an idea among doctors at the time of increasing political differences in Tel Aviv, has become a “wave of flight” after October 7, 2023.

Gilfire added: Doctors do not consider this (occupied territories) a good place to stay after the prolonged war, economic problems and neglect of their position.

Earlier, the media of the Zionist regime announced that one million Zionists fled from occupied Palestine following the Al-Aqsa storm operation.

Based on this, Channel 12 of the Zionist regime announced that one million Zionists left occupied Palestine and returned to the countries and cities they came from, especially Europe and America.

Previously, the results of the survey by the Zionist Center “CJI” showed that 29% of the Zionists living in the occupied territories are thinking of fleeing from Palestine, and 71% of them are not optimistic about their life situation in the coming months.

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