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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Golan, American mercenaries in occupied Palestine; The hidden battle against the resistance

PNN – Aside from all the financial, military, and security-intelligence aid that the White House provides to its Zionist garrison in the region, one of the lesser-known channels of US aid to the Zionist regime is private American contractors.

These private contractors are actually a mercenary army that is not in the service of the official military forces of the United States, and they are veterans and agents familiar with American combat, who have been organized using private financial resources in the form of companies and business groups.

To some extent, these military-security mercenaries are also present in all the battlefields where America is present, and a significant part of the financial resources provided to the supporters of Zionism is used to finance these mercenaries.

Palestinian prisoners in the Zionist prison; A scene that was repeated before in Abu Ghraib, Iraq by American mercenaries
Palestinian prisoners in the Zionist prison; A scene that was repeated before in Abu Ghraib, Iraq by American mercenaries

In the military occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the American military forces used these mercenaries in many sectors and operations, and the number of horrific human tragedies caused by these American mercenary agents in these two countries is beyond the scope of this report. These tragedies have been so shameful and horrific that even many American human rights organizations have condemned them, and in some cases, such as the killing of 17 civilian agents by Blackwater mercenaries in Baghdad, this scandal has gone so far as to liquidate the private company involved in disaster is over.

The scene of the massacre of 17 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad's Nasur Square by Blackwater mercenaries in 2007
The scene of the massacre of 17 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad’s Nasur Square by Blackwater mercenaries in 2007

After the beginning of the ground attack of the Zionist regime army on Gaza, the numerous problems and serious shortcomings of the Zionist combat force once again made the Americans think that it might be necessary to open the feet of these military mercenaries to the occupied territories again.

In this report, we will examine the issue of how the United States, despite repeated failures and scandals in the use of its private mercenary army in Afghanistan and Iraq, still sent these agents to the West Bank to help the Zionists, and where and to what end this process came from. We will also explain which private military companies are currently operating in the occupied Palestinian territories and what mission they have undertaken. In the end, we will explain what the result of this action will be.

Being in occupied Palestine under the pretext of protecting diplomatic establishments and military bases

The starting point of the establishment of American private military-security companies in Afghanistan and Iraq was to protect American and European diplomatic and official officials who traveled to or were present in this country. Most foreign embassies in Iraq outsourced their physical security to American companies or a few European security companies. These companies sign annual contracts with the respective countries of embassies or consulates.

The American government also entrusted the protection of some bases, diplomatic and political complexes to its private military-security companies. A significant part of the budget allocated by the Congress to the US military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan flowed into the pockets of the owners and shareholders of these companies. These American private soldiers received very significant sums to carry out their assigned responsibilities in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it should be noted that their activities are not and are not subject to any of the American military laws or even international laws.

It can be said that so far no specific legal set has been developed to monitor and control the activities of such companies and these companies are considered as commercial companies active in other sectors. One of the factors that caused these companies to create those terrible disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq was the lack of law and the impossibility of judicial follow-up of their actions on the battlefield.

In any case, just like what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq, now in the occupied territories, the first excuse to open the feet of these unbridled American mercenaries to this conflict field is to protect the diplomatic and political assets of the United States in this land.

American embassy in the occupied territories; The protection of this organization is the responsibility of SOC company
American embassy in the occupied territories; The protection of this organization is the responsibility of SOC company

When the American embassy was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, SOC Company, while signing a contract with the US State Department, took over the responsibility of protecting the embassy and its diplomatic officials. Also, the physical protection of American personnel throughout the occupied territories, the West Bank and Gaza, while performing any activity, was entrusted to this company.

“Jacob J. Lew”, the American Jewish ambassador in the occupied territories, says about this company and its activities: Physical protection means “facing the danger outside the secure walls” so that we can interact and penetrate where we want. In doing this, nothing is more vital than the presence of agents such as SOS agents; you are like one of the necessary tools to reveal America’s presence in the region today.

Another American company that has undertaken very dubious and of course much more secretive activities in the occupied territories is called “Constellis”. Two months before the Al-Aqsa storm operation, the Pentagon signed a multi-million dollar contract to build a secret military base in the occupied territories. This base is located deep in the Negev desert, 32 kilometers from Gaza. This base with the code name “Site-512” is an American radar base that monitors the sky to detect missile attacks on Zionist positions. It was not created to deal with the threat of the Palestinian resistance, but with the aim of confronting the threat posed by Iranian medium-range missiles.

As mentioned, the SOC Company took responsibility for the protection of American diplomatic establishments in Jerusalem; But Constalis took on a more secretive and complicated responsibility. The company was actually founded on the ruins of the infamous Blackwater Corporation, and its founders and key operatives are actually the same people who created and directed Blackwater. Constalis signed a contract with the US Department of Defense to protect US bases near Beersheva.

This geographical area actually hosts US Armed Forces personnel who are stationed inside Site-512; a base that is actually a top secret radar garrison in the Negev desert. In this base, the most advanced radar and signal information systems are deployed and its purpose is to protect the Zionist positions against ballistic missile threats. The protection of these organizations is not the responsibility of the official American military forces, but the responsibility of the American military mercenaries in the Constalis Company.

It should be noted that the history of the direct deployment of American military forces in the occupied territories dates back to 2017. In that year, the American government and their Zionist allies unveiled the establishment of a military base in the occupied territories. Major General Tsavika Haymovich, one of the commanders of the Israeli Air Force, described this incident as a “historical” moment and said: “For the first time, we have established an American base inside the country under the supervision of the Israeli military.”

John Gronsky is one of the commanders of the US Air Force and Tsvika Haimovich is one of the commanders of the Israeli Air Force.
John Gronsky is one of the commanders of the US Air Force and Tsvika Haimovich is one of the commanders of the Israeli Air Force.

The picture above shows Major General John Gronsky, one of the top commanders of the US Air Force, and Tsvika Haimovich, one of the commanders of the Israeli Air Force, signing the agreement to establish the US military base in the occupied territories; September 2017 shows.

These two examples clearly explain that America’s support for the Zionist regime is not limited to financial support packages, weapons and ammunition. The Americans are not even satisfied with all-round political and diplomatic support, and in the field of public opinion and psychological warfare, they have used all their material and spiritual resources to support the Zionists.

These American mercenaries caused terrible disasters in all these battlefields, which are not the subject of this report, but we must also examine why America intends to use these mercenaries in the occupied territories and against the Palestinian resistance.

American mercenaries in the service of Zionist survival

From the perspective of international realism, the protection of the country’s military and civilian assets outside the borders is defined as one of the national interests. Therefore, the direct presence of American military forces in the occupied territories can be justified in such a way that America intends to protect its national interests. Apart from the fact that this action is fundamentally unjustifiable due to the colonial and occupying nature of America’s presence in the region, it should be noted that this presence is even more than an action to protect national interests. American private military companies are not only deployed in occupied territories to protect American national interests.

“Thomas Latham” wrote in one of his posts on TikTok: The meaning of being a contractor in the eyes of Americans is very clear; “Being a contractor means earning 4,000 dollars a month.” After establishing the first American military base in one of the cities of Beersheva in 2017, he made a video of himself and published it on TikTok.

Recruiting American mercenaries to be in occupied Palestine by Thomas Latham Tik Tok influencers
Recruiting American mercenaries to be in occupied Palestine by Thomas Latham Tik Tok influencers

Latham regularly advertises military career opportunities in occupied territories and assists veterans seeking employment through the registration, interview and recruitment process. He is actually a recruiter for one of the American private military companies, Triple Canopy, and in addition to recruiting for this company; he also recruits mercenaries for SOC and Constalis.

Latham’s statement on his TikTok page about the activities of military mercenaries clearly explains our claim about why American mercenaries are present in occupied territories. In one of his video posts, he says: “Private military companies are looking to witness another conflict on European soil. Private contracting, no matter what field it is in, needs an entity [at risk] to protect it. You need something to protect it. In the absence of a conflict, the contractor will not have much income.

Latham’s open admission is more than just a catchphrase to get the attention of America’s veterans. He actually shouts the American agenda to protect the illegitimate existence of the Zionists.


Just as in the past, American military mercenaries failed to achieve their goals in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Balkans, etc., and made horrible human tragedies permanent in history, this time too, this action will definitely fail and only the black record of the Zionists in Massacre and infanticide will strengthen.

In the Balkans, the private military company Dyncorp opened brothels by abusing Kosovo, Bosnian and Serbian women and girls, and the company’s supervisor in the region raped two Bosnian women. When an American journalist exposed this story, the journalist was taken to court and tried.

Torture of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib by US military mercenaries
Torture of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib by US military mercenaries

In Iraq, in Abu Ghraib prison, which was managed by the contractors of CACI, another American private military company, and human tragedies occurred that still no one in America has the courage or the courage to discuss and investigate these events.

All these cases are a drop in the sea of ​​terrible disasters that American military mercenaries have caused in different parts of the world. The mercenaries who are stationed today in secret American bases in the occupied territories of Palestine, and in addition to their current activities, they are going to continue a hidden conflict against the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance and other resistance factors throughout the region as a fighting force alongside the Zionist soldiers.

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