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How has America facilitated the genocide in Gaza?

How has America facilitated the genocide in Gaza?

In his speech on April 1, 2024, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, emphasizing the role of America in the genocide of the people of Gaza, stated: “America took the worst possible situation in the Gaza issue; America chose the worst possible situation in the Gaza region; He did something that was hated all over the world. These people who demonstrate in the streets of London and Paris and other European countries and America itself in favor of Palestine, are actually declaring their hatred for America; America was hated in the world; He was hated in the region, he was hated ten times more. The important question is, how did America participate in the genocide of the Zionist regime in Gaza and facilitate it?

The crime of the Zionist regime in Gaza has resulted in the martyrdom of more than 33 thousand people and the injury of more than 75 thousand Palestinians. Gaza’s infrastructure has been destroyed and this strip has turned into ruins, children are facing extreme hunger and even dying from starvation, and patients not only do not have medicine and equipment for treatment, but they are surrounded by hospitals. These crimes are a perfect example of genocide. America is a partner in the crime of the Zionists because of the policies it has adopted towards this genocide. A former US Air Force officer set himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, protesting the war against Gaza and US complicity with the Zionist regime in crimes and genocide against Palestinians. “I will not be complicit in the genocide against the Palestinian people, free Palestine,” shouted the former American officer. Before committing self-immolation, he said: “Self-immolation is a horrible thing, but not as much as the crimes that are happening in Gaza.” Washington’s policies regarding this genocide are as follows:

1. Equating genocide with legitimate defense

From the very first day of the Zionist regime’s war against the Gaza Strip, the American government and officials claimed that what this regime was doing was an example of legitimate defense. The Americans claimed that the Zionist regime committed the disaster in Gaza in self-defense and had the right to defend itself. With this claim, America has both given permission for genocide to the Zionist regime and defended this genocide. In the first week of the Israeli war against Gaza, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, criticizing this American approach, warned that Israel’s actions in Gaza “exceeded the scope of self-defense” and the Israeli government should avoid “punishment”. “Gaza people collective” stop.

2. Buying time to continue Tel Aviv’s crimes in Gaza

The American government had serious differences with the Zionist regime in the continuation of the Gaza war. This difference was not about the continuation of the war, but about the way of war and especially the targeting of civilians, children and the sick. However, Washington continued to support the Zionist regime in this war and, in the words of an American Jewish researcher, bought “time” for the Zionist regime so that it might be able to achieve its military goals, including the release of the Zionist prisoners. “Emil Alkalai”, an American Jewish columnist, wrote in an article in the English publication Middle East Eye, accusing the officials of the White House and the Zionist regime of genocide against humanity in Gaza: “The White House seeks to waste time and buy time to continue Israel’s crimes in Gaza for “It’s scoring points from the Palestinian resistance groups.”

3. Political support in international forums

One of the important actions that America took in supporting the Zionist regime in the genocide against the people of Gaza was using its position in the world system in defense of this regime. The US government vetoed 3 proposed resolutions in the UN Security Council to stop the war and send humanitarian aid to Gaza. The use of the veto by the US government led to the inefficiency of the Security Council to play an effective role in the Gaza war and has left the regime’s hand free to continue the genocide. Even when the resolution on April 6 was approved by the Security Council with the positive vote of 14 members of this council, even though it abstained from voting on this resolution, the American government claimed that this resolution is not binding and practically with this claim, the reason for the non-implementation of the resolution by the regime provided Zionism.

4. Increasing US military support for the Zionist regime

Another action that America took in supporting the Zionist regime in the genocide against Gaza is increasing military aid to this regime. On April 2, 2024, Euronews wrote in a report about this: “The Biden administration has made public two major military sales to Israel since October 7. In both of these cases, the White House bypassed the congressional barrier to approve them by invoking the Presidential Emergency Powers Act. In December, Mr. Biden’s administration agreed to sell nearly 14,000 tank rounds and its equipment to Israel worth more than $106 million, and the sale of 155 mm artillery shells and related equipment worth more than $147 million. These represent only a small part of the total military aid.

US government officials have reported over 100 other military aid items to Congress. The difference is that since the value of each of these contributions was less than the dollar amount determined to inform Congress, they were not reported separately. Among the weapons sold were cluster-guided munitions, small-caliber bombs, anti-tank rockets, and other aids. In March, the Biden administration authorized the transfer of 1,800 900 kg bombs and 500 225 kg Mark 84 bombs. The sale of these bombs was approved by Congress several years ago, but their delivery was not realized until last month. US officials told The Washington Post last week that the State Department has authorized the delivery of 25 F-35 jets and engines. These weapons have been used in the genocide against Gaza. Analysts believe that Gaza has become a laboratory for all kinds of American-made weapons.

5. Repeated attacks against Yemen

Another action taken by Washington in defense of the Zionist regime’s genocide against the people of Gaza is to carry out repeated attacks against Yemen under the pretense of defending maritime security. Yemen is the only Arab country that, criticizing the passivity and indifference of the international community towards the people of Gaza, provided military support to the people of Gaza by carrying out missile and drone attacks against ships bound for the occupied territories. The main reason for this action by the Yemenis was the pressure on the economy of the Zionist regime in order to stop the war and genocide against the people of Gaza, but the American government along with several other countries took military action against Yemen to show their open and public support for the Zionist regime. and prevent the Yemenis from supporting the oppressed people of Gaza.


6 months have passed since the Zionist regime’s genocide against the people of Gaza. Analysts and officials from many countries believe that the genocide in Gaza is being carried out with the full support of the United States. Washington’s support for Tel Aviv caused the Zionist regime to continue its crimes against the oppressed people of Gaza with a sense of ease and without worrying about any action of the international community. Crimes that even UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has described as “heartbreaking and inhumane”.

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