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Israel’s defeat in Gaza according to Zionists and Westerners.

Israel’s defeat in Gaza according to Zionists and Westerners.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, during a speech on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s death, mentioned the Al-Aqsa storm and the defeat of the Zionists in Gaza. Emphasizing the defeat of the Zionists in the Gaza war, the Supreme Leader said: “The Palestinians entered the field in the Al-Aqsa storm, acted, acted and put the enemy in the corner of the field from which there is no way to escape or escape. “Yes, America supports the Zionist regime, many Western governments support it, but they all admit and agree that the conditions that have arisen for the Zionist regime are conditions where there is no way out for that regime.”

In this article, the comments of a number of Western and Zionist officials about Tel Aviv’s defeat in the Gaza war are stated in three levels: domestic, regional and global.

A: Failure at the internal level

The biggest consequences of the Gaza war for the Zionist regime in the past 8 months were in the internal dimension. Some of these consequences are:

Failure of the Zionist regime to achieve military goals

After 8 months of the war against Gaza, the Zionist regime has not achieved any of its military goals. The Zionist authorities also acknowledge this issue.

Haim Ramon, the former Minister of Justice of the Zionist regime, said: “The goals of the war have not been achieved and the Chief of Staff of the Army must resign.” He admitted: “The war in Gaza is associated with Israel’s strategic defeat.”

“We are tired and broken and the prime minister makes promises and does not fulfill them,” the Zionist Kan network quoted Sderot mayor Alon Davidi as saying.

The New York Times also wrote that this war is unwinnable from the words of the commanders of the Zionist regime.

“Alon Ben David”, a military analyst of the Hebrew-language newspaper Ma’ariv, said that the Zionist army is tired after 8 months of intense war. Ben David emphasized that despite the tactical achievements of the army on the battlefield, the war cabinet and the general staff of the Zionist regime failed in realizing the goals of the war, and this regime is now on the verge of a strategic defeat.

The existence of the Zionist regime is endangered

Another important consequence of Al-Aqsa storm and the war in Gaza is that the existence of the Zionist regime has weakened and the existential threat of this regime has increased. At the same time, the existential threat is one of the most important threats and concerns of the Zionists.

Professor Ilan Pappe, a prominent Israeli historian and professor of history and director of the European Center for Palestine Studies in the UK, said in a statement that the current war in Gaza is the most dangerous chapter in the history of a project that is fighting for its existence.

There is no purpose in continuing the war

Another failure suffered by the Zionist regime in the Gaza war is that it is confused and the erosion of the war continues without any purpose. Aharon Zeifi, the former president of Amman, said: “The war in Gaza has been going on for the past 8 months, and Israel has not set any final goal for it, and therefore the army cannot continue fighting without knowing the final goal of the war.”

Increasing internal pressure against Netanyahu

Another consequence of the war against Gaza was that it exposed and increased the political divisions within the occupied territories, especially the pressures against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Yair Lapid”, the head of the opposition of the Zionist regime, has emphasized that with the daily killing of Israeli soldiers in Gaza, we are firmly opposed to Netanyahu and demand that the war in Gaza be stopped until this point. He stated that Netanyahu is acting as if the October 7th attack did not happen, even though this attack happened during his prime minister ship.

B: Failure at the regional level

The 8-month war against Gaza has also had consequences for the Zionist regime at the regional level, some of which include:

The position of Hamas in Gaza is still stable

One of the most important military goals of the Zionist regime in the war against Gaza is to destroy the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) or weaken its position in the Gaza strip. However, 8 months after this war, Hamas is still present in Gaza and fighting with the Zionist regime.

Haim Ramon, the former Minister of Justice of the Israeli regime, wrote in an article published in the Zionist newspaper Ma’ariv that the Hamas movement is still stable in Gaza and has actually managed to regain its military power in every area from which the Israeli army has retreated.

“Yossi Milman” also admitted in an analysis for the Zionist newspaper “Haaretz” that the Zionist regime has suffered a historic failure in the attack on Gaza because the assassination of the commanders of Hamas does not destroy the resistance because this movement has its roots in the Palestinian society in the West Bank. West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

“Thomas Friedman” also wrote in an analysis that the dominant view in America and among the Israeli army is that Tel Aviv is far from defeating Hamas. Friedman also pointed out that despite the October 7 attacks, the Hamas group has also won the war of narratives from Israel.

“Amos Hariel”, an analyst of military affairs of the Zionist regime, declared: Hamas is not only not defeated in Gaza, but it is alien to defeat.

Political and strategic affairs researcher Saeed Ziyad also stated: “The ability of resistance groups to carry out heavy operations that cause extensive damage to the Israeli army is due to the ability of these groups to change military tactics, which has caused the occupiers to use their intelligence to lose, because the military tactics of the resistance groups change quickly, and this makes the information that the enemy obtains from them ineffective.”

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