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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Puppeteering of AIPAC with Biden in the Gaza war

PNN – Former American President Jimmy Carter’s recent admission of the human rights disaster in Gaza and at the same time the necessity of the United States’ unquestioning support for the Zionist regime shows the depth of Washington’s leaders’ obedience to the regime, especially AIPAC as the most powerful Jewish lobby.

During the two-month attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza and the genocide in this geographical area, although the unquestionable support of the United States to Tel Aviv was not hidden from anyone, few people considered the role of the “US-Israel Public Relations Committee”, abbreviated as “IPEC”, in this story has shown attention.

IPEC’s mission from influencing Carter to Biden

Recently, 99-year-old Carter, while referring to AIPAC’s mission, emphasized the necessity of America’s obedience to Israel. The former president of the United States, who went to Palestine and saw the situation up close, in response to the reporter’s question, “What did you see?”, said: “A human rights torture is taking place.”

When the reporter asks, “Then why aren’t you doing something?”, Carter says: “As a Christian in American politics, I, along with many others, are committed to the same law.” That law says that whatever the Zionist regime has done at any time must be supported, and at the same time, the media must convince the public opinion to accept it. AIPAC’s mission, which is specifically focused on this issue, is not peace support. We are responsible for supporting Israel’s policies. Whatever it is…”

Carter’s statements are expressed with other literature by “John Mersheimer” and “Stephen Walt” in the book “The Israel Pressure Group and American Foreign Policy”. In this book, it is stated that the only justification for America’s unusual and illogical support for Israel is the influence of Jewish lobbies in the structure of the United States, such as the AIPAC lobby. This lobby even played an influential role in setting the regional policies of the United States and the destructive wars that this country launched in the Middle East.

In practice, we see the obedience of high-ranking American officials, even the president himself, to IPEC’s decisions. For example, after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, President George Bush announced that he agreed to the formation of an independent Palestinian state to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but he withdrew his decision after the sharp reaction of the Jewish lobby.

But no government was dominated by IPEC as much as former US President Donald Trump’s administration. Since in recent years, AIPAC has become the big arm of the current Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, this Jewish lobby during Trump’s presidency, all of Netanyahu’s demands, including proposing the anti-Palestinian project “Deal of the Century”, annexing the West Bank, moving the embassy America imposed Trump from Tel Aviv to Quds and increased sanctions and pressures against Iran.

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Despite chanting slogans of human rights, the Biden government does not have enough power to resist the lobby of the Zionist regime and stop the war in occupied Palestine. Of course, Biden’s performance in the Gaza war cannot be analyzed without considering the American elections next year.

2024 elections and Biden’s need for IPEC support

The results of a new survey by the New York Times and Sinai College show that Trump is leading in five sensitive and key states in the race with Biden for the 2024 elections. Therefore, at the cost of gaining the support of the IPEC lobby in next year’s presidential elections, Biden is busy managing the war scene and even giving a line to the occupation regime of Jerusalem in the way of bombing and genocide in Gaza.

This Jewish lobby has close relations with both American parties, and since 2021, it has been collecting funds for the candidates it supports and even spending on their behalf.

In the 2017 presidential election, the two main candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties, Hillary Clinton and Trump, appeared at the headquarters of this lobby and gave speeches. In 2022, IPEC lobby provided financial support to 365 Republican and Democratic candidates with an allocation of 17 million dollars.

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However, in recent years, some American politicians and journalists consider IPEC to be a right-wing lobby that is an ally of the Likud party in Israel and has deep ties with most representatives of the American Republican Party.

Of course, America’s support for the Zionist regime during the Gaza war practically showed that regardless of factionalism, preserving the occupying regime is a priority for the American authorities.

Hence, in addition to the $3.8 billion financial aid to Tel Aviv, Biden’s America allocated $14.3 billion in a support plan to support the Zionist war machine in the Gaza Strip.

Experts believe that the allocation of such financial resources along with the full military support of CENTCOM in West Asia is a natural result of the pressure of the Jewish lobby in Washington. By defining a dedicated section for “Calling Congress”, IPEC’s lobby website is trying to use the cover of “people’s requests” to lead the US parliamentarians to increase their support for the Zionist regime.

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