PNN – “Bill Clinton” and “Barack Obama”, the former presidents of the United States, and “Joe Biden”, the current president of this country, have united with each other in an unprecedented coalition against the victory of the Republican candidate “Donald Trump” in the upcoming presidential elections.
According to the report of Pakistan News Network from CNN news network, the election campaign of Joe Biden, the 46th president of the United States, to win his second term in this year’s elections, will be completed with the presence of the 42nd and 44th presidents of the country, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, to collect funds in New York state.
In a rare occurrence in which four former and current presidents are in a place other than Washington on the same day, Donald Trump is also in Long Island, New York, to attend a memorial service for a recently deceased police officer. At the same time, of all the former presidents alive, Jimmy Carter is in a sick bed, and George Bush, who has very friendly relations with Obama and Clinton, despite his different approach from Trump in the field of democracy, but as Republican is unlikely to support Biden.
Despite the fact that Clinton and Obama have the broad support of American blacks and Obama is going to visit several universities in the fall to bring young people to the polls, it must be said that both of them look old and conservative from the eyes of the young and progressive generation of this country. Therefore, it is unlikely that this coalition, despite its low record, will be able to have the impact that Clinton’s support for Obama had in 2012.
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Leon Panetta, Clinton’s former chief of staff and Obama’s secretary of defense and CIA director, believes that Obama can play a role in the health care debate in Biden’s cabinet, and recommended that his campaign focus on the Latino, youth and other minority votes to win it.
However, the existence of personality cults of people who once reached the highest political position of their country should not be overlooked, so that despite the coalition today, the possibility of confrontation between them in the future is very serious. Hillary Clinton’s disappointment due to the defeat in both of her election attempts, once against Obama and again against Trump, can also complicate the situation.
Biden, who is older than both of his predecessors, had started the presidential campaign (first in 1988) before both of them. But in all the years of his presence in the Senate and vice president in the Obama era, the figures of the Democratic Party have shown less desire to support and even tolerate him.
His deep loyalty to Obama and the influential role he played in foreign policy during his tenure improved his standing in the party, but his pro-gay lead over Obama has fueled the divide once again. The death of Biden’s son and the awarding of the Medal of Freedom to him by Obama may have been a good end to a not very effective political collaboration.
As the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1993, Biden played a significant role in the appointment of Bill Clinton as a Supreme Court judge. But his extreme warmongering and the idea of ​​military intervention during the Yugoslav war in the 1990s were a challenge to Clinton’s anti-war stance. He is also an important supporter of Clinton in her ethics scandal case.