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Will the relations between Türkiye and Hamas change?

PNN – Informed sources say that only a few hours after the recent operation of the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist regime, Erdogan’s government asked the leaders of Hamas to leave Turkey.

According to the International group of Pakistan News Network, at the same time as the Zionist regime’s crimes in Gaza continue, Turkish media and news sources publish various articles and analyzes about the decisions of the Erdogan government regarding the Palestinian issue.

Some of these analyzes are directly related to the type and nature of Turkey’s relations with the Palestinian fighters and the self-governing organizations.

The publication of a new report by the Turkish BBC has made the Turkish media face this question: Were the political leaders of these groups present in Ankara and Istanbul during the implementation of the great Al-Aqsa storm operation by the Palestinian fighters?

Informed sources say that just a few hours after this operation, Erdogan’s government asked Hamas leaders to leave Turkey. This news is a reminder of the fact that last year, after the beginning of the process of normalizing relations between Ankara and Cairo, Erdogan’s team agreed to ask the political and media activists of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to stop their activities in Ankara at the direct request of Abdel Fattah Sisi.

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Ismail Haniyeh went to Erdogan’s request?

For years, the leaders of Hamas have a close relationship with Erdogan and other leaders of the Justice and Development Party. Khalid Meshaal, the former head of the political bureau of Hamas, was a guest of the Congresses of the Justice and Development Party many times at the invitation of Erdogan and Davutoglu. Of course, parallel to that, Turkey has also had extensive relations with Mahmoud Abbas and the authorities of the Palestinian Authority, and at the same time, it has shown a lot of enthusiasm to maintain the relationship with the Zionist regime.

Although Hamas does not have an official office in Turkey, unlike Qatar, its leaders have always traveled to Turkey and have concentrated part of their political and propaganda activities in Istanbul.

Now all Turkish media know that in recent years, some Hamas officials have stayed in Turkey for short or long periods or have traveled to Turkey frequently.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently declared openly in his speech that he has a view on Hamas that is in conflict with the opinion of the authorities of the Arab countries, and unlike them, he recognizes Hamas not as a terrorist group but as freedom fighters.

But apparently, Erdogan’s words also had the aspect of consolation and spiritual support. Because, according to the claim made by the Turkish BBC, on October 7, during the execution of the Al-Aqsa storm operation, Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political office of Hamas, and some officials of this militant group were present in Istanbul. However, neither the leaders of Hamas nor the Turkish authorities have made an official comment on this matter.

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In the BBC report, it is also pointed out that in Al Jazeera’s television interview with Ismail Haniyeh, which was conducted immediately after the October 7 attacks, the word Istanbul was displayed on the television screen.

Second, there is a small Turkish flag in the picture of Haniyeh and a group praying in a room while the news of the October 7 attacks was broadcast on TV.

One of the politicians close to Hamas responded to the media about this issue and stated that since the Turkish authorities have not commented on this issue, he does not allow himself to speak about the validity of Haniyeh’s presence in Turkey.

It is said that after the Aqsa storm operation, one of Erdogan’s government contacts contacted Ismail Haniyeh and his people and asked them to leave Turkey in order to preserve some political interests. However, the communication department of the Turkish presidential institution denied such an issue by publishing a message in Arabic on the X (Twitter) account.

“The claims that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ordered senior Hamas officials to leave Turkey immediately are completely baseless,” the tweet said.

Differences in the positions of the Turkish government, people and parties regarding Israel

The Muslim people of Turkey in different provinces of this country expressed their anger and disgust at Israel’s crimes in different ways. Some political parties, such as the Saadat Party and the Future Party, also took a serious and decisive position against Israel and demanded a reconsideration of the relationship with Israel. But the behavior of the government and the ruling party was different.

In recent days in Turkey and in the field of Palestine and Gaza issue, we encountered two important events: First, the Istanbul branch of the Justice and Development Party held a large political meeting in order to support the people of Gaza. It was predicted that more than one million of Erdogan’s supporters would gather in this ceremony, but apparently this number barely reached the limit of five hundred thousand people. Because the invitation to the people to support Gaza was actually a party call and, as expected, it turned into a passionate meeting for party and political propaganda.

That too in the situation that there are less than 5 months left until the municipal elections in Turkey. The second incident was the announcement of the decision of Cohen, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Zionist regime, to withdraw all diplomats of this regime from the Ankara embassy and the Istanbul consulate.

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Meaningful behavior of Turkish diplomacy after Cohen’s statement

As mentioned, Cohen, the foreign minister of the Zionist regime, announced that the regime is willing to reconsider its relations with this country due to Turkey’s harsh positions. But the interesting thing is that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in other words, the Turkish diplomatic system, refused to respond to this statement in a public and open scene.

Under normal circumstances, Erdogan’s team would not miss any opportunity to attack Israel in the media. But this time, Ankara chose to remain silent against Cohen, maybe because Turkey wants to maintain its relationship with the Zionist regime of Israel in spite of all the new tensions and problems.

In the end, it should be pointed out that there are certain challenges and complications in the relations between Turkey and the Zionist regime. According to the type of decision and behavior of Erdoğan and the Justice and Development Party towards the Zionist regime, many decisions related to relations with the Palestinian fighters on one side and the Zionists on the other side will change.

As a result, it cannot be expected that Turkey will reach a stable and stable policy in the medium term, regarding the Palestinian issue and the relations with Israel.

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