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Yemen’s attack on the future of the Zionist regime / Ansarullah against “Ben-Gurion Canal”

PNN – There is an analysis that the unprecedented killing of the Zionist army in the Gaza Strip is due to the revival of an old idea. An idea that is referred to as the Ben-Gurion Canal.

According to Pakistan News Network, due to the genocide of the Zionist army in the Gaza Strip, despite the distance of more than 1,600 kilometers from the Yemeni soil to the first point of the occupied lands, the Yemeni Ansarullah has so far carried out eight missile and drone attacks on Eilat. These eight attacks were carried out on October 27, October 31, November 1, November 2, November 7, November 9, November 13 and November 14.

Distance from Yemen to the port of Eilat located in occupied Palestine
Distance from Yemen to the port of Eilat located in occupied Palestine

But what is the reason for the concentration of Yemeni Ansarullah forces in Eilat?

Before the establishment of the Zionist regime, the name of Eilat was Umm al-Rasharash. This area is the southernmost point of occupied Palestine and the farthest point from the resistance axis on the northern front (Hezbollah of Lebanon), the two Palestinian regions of Gaza and the West Bank (Hamas and Islamic Jihad), Iraq, Syria and also Yemen.

This feature has made Eilat the safest place for Zionists to live. But that’s not the whole story. Eilat is Israel’s gateway to the Gulf of Aqaba and then the Red Sea, which reduces the Zionist regime’s dependence on the Suez Canal to zero, and Tel Aviv’s naval fleet can enter the Red Sea directly. Eilat port is the only connection point of the Zionist regime to this sea.

The Zionist regime has built a pipeline and a railway line from Eilat port to its Mediterranean ports in order to somehow play the role of an intermediary in intercontinental trade. According to Al-Arabi network statistics, the use of Eilat port in 2021 took an exponential form after the compromise between the UAE and the Zionist regime, and its incoming volume increased 5 times after the restoration of the Eilat-Ashqlan pipeline (Mediterranean port).

Emirati ships unload their cargo in Eilat port and then export to European countries through Mediterranean ports located in occupied Palestine. This pipeline was built after the Suez crisis in 1956. The crisis that led to the war between Israel, England and France with Egypt. The Israeli axis won, but after the ultimatum of the Soviet Union and the United States, the Suez Canal was returned to Egypt.

It is interesting to note that half of the capital for the construction of the Eilat-Ashqlan pipeline was provided by the Pahlavi regime, which is now being used by the UAE.

One analysis is that the high level of brutality of the Zionist army for genocide in the Gaza Strip and the complete control of this area is due to the revival of an old idea called the Ben-Gurion Canal. This canal can replace the Suez Canal in Egypt, which annually brings more than 10 billion dollars to Cairo. The connection of the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea is a kind of connection of the maritime transport network of the western and eastern hemispheres of the world.

Several decades ago, the Americans proposed to use 590 atomic bombs (!) to create a gap between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea in the Negev desert of occupied Palestine to create the Ben-Gurion Canal. The cost of building this canal, which is about 300 kilometers long, is estimated at more than 100 billion dollars.

“Eilat” port is the entry and exit point of this alleged channel

The Israeli regime believes that the complete removal of the Gaza Strip and the relocation of its population to Egypt can solve the security challenge of the aforementioned channel. A document published by WikiLeaks on the 9th of Aban shows that the purpose of the Zionist army’s invasion of Gaza is not only Hamas, but also the cleansing of Gaza from the Palestinians and then settling them in tent cities in the Sinai desert of Egypt.

The original document leaked by WikiLeaks The document is related to the Israeli Ministry of Information In this document, the process of expelling Palestinians from Gaza to North Sinai in Egypt is described
The original document leaked by WikiLeaks The document is related to the Israeli Ministry of Information In this document, the process of expelling Palestinians from Gaza to North Sinai in Egypt is described

Parallel to the Ben-Gurin Canal, the India-Middle East-Europe corridor was on the agenda of Israel’s allies, which pursued two goals. First; Territorial connection between the Zionist regime and the Arab countries bordering the Persian Gulf in the framework of the Abraham Pact. Second; Turning Israel into a land hub for the transfer of goods from India as a country that will become the world’s second economic power in the future.

The creation of the Ben Gurin Canal and the passage of the Indo-Europe corridor in the southern parts of occupied Palestine will make the Zionist regime the focal point of intercontinental trade exchanges. But with the entry of Yemen’s Ansarullah into the campaign against Zionism, the main economic infrastructure of this region, i.e. security, will be destroyed.

“Thomas Friedman”, a foreign policy expert, wrote in the New York Times that after traveling to the occupied territories, Israel is facing a danger that has never been seen in the history of this regime. This American author mentioned three reasons for the formation of this danger, one of which is the axis of resistance in the region, such as Ansarullah in Yemen. The sides, each in turn, have a modern army.

Friedman claims that these anti-Israel factions have been planning for such a day for a long time and are now threatening Israel from all sides. The ultimate goal is to destroy the Zionists’ trust in the defense and intelligence institutions of the regime. Consolidation of this mistrust will lead to Israelis withdrawing first from the border areas and then completely from occupied Palestine.

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