Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin addresses gathering of 80,000.
Expounds upon number of hadiths by Prophet (PBUH) in sermon.
Bohra leader arrived in Karachi on July 4 on govt’s invitation.
KARACHI: The congregations of the Dawoodi Bohra community began on Monday with their leader, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, delivering the first sermon of “Ashara Mubaraka” at Taheri Masjid, Saddar.
Addressing a gathering of over “80,000 attendees”, Syedna announced that the series of 10 sermons over the course of the Muharram congregations would focus on analogies and parables found in the Holy Quran and the Prophetic traditions.
In the sermon, he expounded upon a number of hadith by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) which highlight the role of conviction and self-growth and success.
For instance, he quoted the Prophet’s (PBUH) statement regarding the honeybee which “consumes only that which is pure, and gives back only that which is pure”.
Based on this statement by the Prophet (PBUH), Syedna advocated a self-awareness of consumption both in body and spirit, and a philosophy of internalisation that prioritised giving back to society as the ultimate objective of any endeavour.
“Consume only that which is worthy of your time and benefits you as a whole,” he said, “and only give back to your families and society that which will help others. Both your input and your output should be pure.”
Syedna mentioned how Dawoodi Bohra members from diverse geographies and professions have gathered in Karachi for a single purpose — the remembrance and commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (RA), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
The Bohra leader arrived in Karachi on July 4 following an invitation extended by the Government of Pakistan and the local Dawoodi Bohra community for the Ashara Mubaraka congregations. Over the next nine days, Syedna will deliver a series of sermons, which will be telecast live to over 21 centres in Karachi and the neighbouring city of Hyderabad.
Ashara Mubaraka is a ten-day period in the Islamic month of Muharram dedicated to remembering Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his grandson Imam Hussain (RA), and his family and companions. This event honours their valiant stand and sacrifice for the universal values of justice, truth, and humanity.
The daily sermons touch upon various themes and disciplines and encourage community members to seek knowledge from the Holy Quran and emulate the noble qualities of the Prophet (SAW) and the Ahl al-Bayt to reinvigorate their faith and navigate the complexities of modern life.