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Pakistan’s political elite: Raisi’s visit to Pakistan carries a message of unity for the region and the Islamic world

PNN – A group of political elites of Pakistan called the recent developments in the Middle East an expression of Tehran’s managerial role in determining the rules of the game in the region and said: The important visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan at the current time carries the message of unity for the region and the Islamic world, especially the strengthening of the Palestine support front.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, the roundtable discussion on developments in the Middle East after the operation of the Promise of Truth against the Zionist regime of Israel and the upcoming visit of the President of Iran to Pakistan was hosted by the Islamabad Political Think Tank (IPI) with the presence of a group of political elites and international experts.

Speakers on different aspects of Iran-Pakistan relations, Ebrahim Raisi’s important visit to Islamabad at the current time, especially the developments surrounding the punitive response of Iran’s armed forces against the Zionist regime, the continuation of the Gaza war, the Western world’s approach to the tensions in the region and the negative consequences of the support of the United States and its allies.

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They considered the blind support of the Western Front led by the US to the crimes of the Zionists as the root of tensions in the Middle East and added: Netanyahu’s control is out of the hands of Biden and his allies, but let the world know that with the end of the Gaza war, the conspiracy of Netanyahu and his drug gang will also be revealed.

Emphasizing the importance of the upcoming visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyed Ebrahim Raisi from Islamabad, Pakistani personalities called for strengthening the efforts of the two countries to ensure mutual interests and close convergence to address regional challenges.

Mushahid Hussain Syed, a former member of the Senate of Pakistan, said: The people of Pakistan are looking forward to the visit of Dr. Raisi. We will not forget the enthusiastic reception of high-ranking Iranian officials during their visit to Pakistan.

Referring to developments in the Middle East, he said that Iran’s punitive response against the Zionist regime was in fact the legitimate action of a brave and wise nation against foreign aggression, and conveyed this message to the supporters of the occupying regime of Israel that Tehran does not care about its national security and its interests in the region and the world.

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This prominent Pakistani politician said: After Israel’s military, defense, and security scandal and diplomatic failure after the Operation Sadiq, there is a fear that the Zionists will take secret and indirect actions against Iran’s interests.

Blaming the silence of Europe and America regarding the aggressive actions of Netanyahu and his accomplices, he said: The opponents of Iran-Pakistan relations are always trying to create tension in the region and bilateral relations by igniting the fire of sectarian, ethnic and geographical differences.

Mrs. Shirin Mazari, the former Minister of Human Rights of Pakistan, also said: Although the brakes on the threatening actions of the fake Israeli regime have been pulled after the extensive missile and drone operations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, this regime is struggling to get more support from the West.

Praising the justice of the nations of the world, especially some foreign governments, in supporting the Palestinian people and establishing a ceasefire in Gaza, he added: America and England have been disgraced after the Al-Aqsa storm operation and because of their shameful support to the Zionists.

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This international affairs expert called for the vigilance of the countries in the region regarding the conspiracies of Israel and its supporters to create new wars in the Middle East and said: Tehran’s strong response to the aggression of the fake Israeli regime has made Netanyahu more frustrated and this defeated person may start more adventures against Iran.

He described Ayatollah Raisi’s visit to Pakistan as opening a new window to strengthen bilateral relations and an opportunity for the two neighboring countries to speak with one voice for Palestine and address the issues of the Islamic world.

Farhatullah Babar from the People’s Party and a former member of the Senate of Pakistan welcomed the planned visit of the President of Iran to Islamabad and said: The plan of the Zionist regime and the United States to isolate Iran after the Al-Aqsa storm operation failed, and now the operation of the True Promise against Israel’s recent aggression has completely destroyed the deterrence of this regime.

Referring to the important role of Iran and Pakistan in helping to solve the problems of the Islamic world, Babar said: Mr. Raisi’s trip should become a common voice in support of the Palestinian nation and strengthening the unity of the Islamic world.

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Afrasiab Khatak, a Pakistani politician and an expert on regional issues, stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran showed its strength to confront Israel’s adventures to the world and once again caused the West to worry about Tehran’s military and defense capabilities.

He emphasized: regional equations and balance of power have changed and now the southern world is awake and aware of how the great powers are using terrorism as a tool in the new era of the Cold War.

He stated that the goals of the emergence of ISIS in the region are to target Iran’s interests, stop China and prevent economic and regional plans related to the Chinese in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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