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Terrorists target police in latest DI Khan attack

Police say terrorists fled after they began retaliatory firing.
Search operation launched in the area to hunt down terrorists.
The incident took place at 9:00 pm.

DI KHAN: Police foiled a terrorist attack on Chowanda police check-post in Kyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Dera Ismail Khan district Sunday night.

The terrorists opened fire on the check-post but were forced to flee due to police’s retaliatory fire, the police officials said.

The incident, which could have turned into a tragedy had the police not acted against it timely, took place at 9:00 pm. The police officials said no loss of life took place because of the terrorists’ firing.

Police have launched a search operation in the area to capture the terrorists.

Geo News has obtained surveillance camera footage of the Chowanda check-post attack incident. Ten terrorists can be seen in the video fleeing due to the retaliatory firing.

The latest incident comes nearly a week after at least 25 soldiers were martyred in different terrorist incidents including a suicide attack in Dera Ismail Khan district on December 11-12 night, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) had said in a statement.

The military’s media wing said that heightened terror activities were witnessed in the KP’s region on the night of December 11-12, wherein a total of 27 terrorists were “sent to hell” during various operations.

The military’s media wing had said a group of six terrorists attacked a security forces’ post in general area Daraban in DI Khan.

It had said the attempt to enter the post was effectively thwarted which forced the terrorists to ram an explosive-laden vehicle into the post, followed by a suicide bombing attack.

“The resulting blasts led to the collapse of the building, causing multiple causalities; twenty-three brave soldiers embraced shahadat, while all six terrorists were effectively engaged and sent to hell,” it added.

470 people killed in 1,050 terror attacks in KP
The outgoing year witnessed an alarming rise in terror-related incidents in the country in general and in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in particular as at least 470 security personnel and civilians were killed in the province, so far.

According to statistics available with Geo News, 470 people were killed in 1,050 terror-related incidents in one year alone.

As per the record of the provincial home department and tribal affairs, 698 security personnel and citizens were killed in 1,823 terror-related incidents during the past three years.

Seven areas along the Pak-Afghan border in KP remained “terrorism hotspots” during the outgoing year. The areas include Peshawar, Khyber, North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Dera Ismail Khan, Bajaur and Tank.

Out of the 1,050 terror-related incidents, 419 were reported in bandobasti, 631 in the erstwhile Fata, 201 in North Waziristan, 169 in Khyber, 121 in South Waziristan, 98 in DI Khan, 62 in Bajaur, 61 each in Tank and Peshawar.

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