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Sunday, September 22, 2024

The great gathering of lovers of the Prophet (PBUH) in Pakistan; Shia and Sunni unity for Gaza

PNN – A large gathering to commemorate the birthday of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) was held in the city of “Lahore” with the presence of prominent Shia and Sunni figures of Pakistan with the aim of showing Islamic unity and cohesion. And the speakers expressed their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian nation and demanded to follow the Prophet’s way as a point of commonality for the Muslims of the world and a united voice against the common enemies.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, at the same time, on the occasion of the birthday of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and Imam Jafar Sadiq, peace be upon him, a unifying meeting of the leaders of Shia and Sunni parties and groups with the slogan of Labbaik ya Gaza and Labbaik ya Aqsa was organized with the efforts of Urwat-ul-wusqa seminary in Lahore.

Reza Amiri Moghadam, Iran’s ambassador to Pakistan, was one of the main speakers of this program. Mehran Mohd Far, Consul General of Iran in Lahore, Asghar Masoudi, the head of Iran’s House of Culture in Lahore, Hojjat al-Islam Seyyed Jawad Naqvi, head of Urwat-ul-wusqa Seminary, leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami Party, Ahl al-Hadith Jamiat and other prominent Sunni and Shia figures in this gathering.

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In his speech, the ambassador of Iran praised the presence of leaders of Islamic religions in the celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): The Great Prophet (PBUH) is a blessing for all the worlds, a mercy for humanity, a doctor for the sick and a healer of hearts.

He emphasized: Today’s world is thirsty for the moral, cultural, social and political life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), so following his instructions can solve many problems in human societies.

Referring to the efforts of the enemies of Islam to create division among Muslims, Amiri Moghadam emphasized: We are all aware of the formation of the Zionist regime, its goals and objectives, and the important thing is that Islamic countries and the Islamic Ummah should not neglect it because the behavior of the Zionist regime and its supporters in the past 76 years has been failure to adhere to their promises and agreements.

He said: Let the world know that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the illegitimate Zionist regime are caught in an unprecedented deadlock and the only way to save them is to create a full-scale war in the region, in which the United States will also enter. Finally, Netanyahu wants to implement the idea of ​​forming a single Zionist government in the entire Palestinian land. This means that the implementation of the “Deal of the Century and the Abraham Pact” plan in the era of Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, wants to be carried out by means of force and power.

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In the continuation of this program, Allameh Seyyed Javad Naqvi, the head of Urwat-ul-wusqa seminary, paid tribute to the martyrs of the axis of Islamic resistance, especially the brave warriors of Jerusalem, and said: The Muslims of the world today are indebted to Imam Khomeini’s valuable and visionary services, because he invited all Muslims to convergence, cohesion and Islamic unity by announcing the Unity Week.

Praising the Islamic Republic of Iran’s heroic defense of the Palestinian nation, he said: The liberation of Jerusalem and the fight against the evil enemies of Islam, especially the Zionist occupation regime, is the common goal of all, especially the nations of Iran and Pakistan.

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Other speakers present in this gathering, emphasizing the importance of Unity Week as an opportunity to explain the need for Shia and Sunni solidarity as much as possible, called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the siege, and the opening of humanitarian corridors to Gaza to save civilians.

Pakistani personalities condemned the support of the US and its allies for the crimes of the Israeli occupation regime against the oppressed people of Gaza and demanded the effective action of Islamic countries in supporting the Palestinian resistance front and protecting the defenseless people of Gaza.

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