OpenAI on Thursday launched a version of its popular chatbot ChatGPT priced at $200 per month, which can be used in engineering fields and for research, as the AI firm looks to expand industry applications for its technology.
The new tier, called ChatGPT Pro, will be in addition to OpenAI’s existing subscriptions of ChatGPT Plus, Team and Enterprise.
It underscores the firm’s ambitions to further commercialize its technology, which had kicked off the AI boom.
ChatGPT Pro will allow access to the most advanced OpenAI tools, including unlimited access to its new reasoning model o1, o1 mini, GPT-4o and advanced voice, the company said.
Taking to X to announce the launch of the new version, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said: “we just launched two things: o1, the smartest model in the world. smarter, faster, and more features (eg multimodality) than o1-preview. live in chatgpt now, coming to api soon.
“chatgpt pro. $200/month. unlimited usage and even-smarter mode for using o1. more benefits to come!”
The o1 pro mode is a version which uses additional computing power to solve more complex queries.
OpenAI said the o1 pro mode performs better on machine learning benchmarks across math, science and coding compared with the o1 and o1-preview versions.
Taking to X to announce the launch of the new version, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said: “we just launched two things: o1, the smartest model in the world. smarter, faster, and more features (eg multimodality) than o1-preview. live in chatgpt now, coming to api soon.
“chatgpt pro. $200/month. unlimited usage and even-smarter mode for using o1. more benefits to come!”
The o1 pro mode is a version which uses additional computing power to solve more complex queries.
OpenAI said the o1 pro mode performs better on machine learning benchmarks across math, science and coding compared with the o1 and o1-preview versions.