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3 letters published by the political head of Hamas and its message.

3 letters published by the political head of Hamas and its message.

In an article, Al Jazeera news website reviewed 3 letters published by Yahya Sanwar, the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, and wrote that he has not made any media comments since succeeding martyr Ismail Haniyeh due to the nature of the conflicts in Gaza.

According to this report, at the same time, since being elected to this position, Sanwar has changed the internal structure of the Hamas movement after Haniyeh’s assassination and appointed several people in various responsibilities, and kept some in their positions.

Al Jazeera adds that during this period, Senwar wrote 3 letters, one of which was addressed to the President of Algeria, Abdel Majid Taboun, the other to Lebanon’s Hezbollah, and the third letter was addressed to the Ansarullah movement in Yemen.

He, who followed the political activities consistent with his new position during this period, emphasized in these letters that the occupiers could not achieve the most important goals of their attack on Gaza, including destroying Hamas and reaching its leaders.

Sanwar’s letter to the President of Algeria

In analyzing Sanwar’s letter to the Algerian president, Al Jazeera adds that Algeria is one of the countries that has good relations with Hamas and that a representative of Hamas is present in this country, and that Taboun has made a lot of efforts for reconciliation between Palestinian groups and is a supporter of the Palestinian cause. Also, as a temporary member of the Security Council, Algeria has played an important role in the meetings of this council and the defense of the Palestinian issue in this international body.

Letter to Hezbollah and supporting fronts in Gaza

Two days after the publication of Sanwar’s letter to Teboun, a letter arrived to the Lebanese Hezbollah movement. Although Sanwar’s previous letter to Tabun had political and diplomatic content, this letter contained military dimensions and deeper approaches.

This letter emphasized the unity of the battlefield and the nature of relations between Hamas and Hezbollah, especially in the Al-Aqsa storm operation, and praised the activities of the Gaza Support Front and the expansion of their efforts in supporting the resistance in Gaza.

In its report, Al Jazeera, citing informed sources, wrote that Lebanon’s Hezbollah announced its decision to support the Palestinian resistance and its support on the same day the war began and that what happened had a significant impact on the nature of the war’s developments. and occupied the Zionist regime to a great extent in the northern front.

Brigadier Mohammad Abbas, an expert on military and strategic issues, emphasized in a conversation with Al Jazeera that this letter shows that the unity of the resistance areas has been achieved.

Sanwar’s letter to Abdul Malik al-Houthi

3 days after the publication of the second letter, Yahya Sanwar’s letter to Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the head of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, was published after the successful Yemeni operation with a hypersonic ballistic missile that landed in Tel Aviv.

Analysts believe that Senwar’s letter to Al-Houthi contains many messages, including the power of resistance, and shows that the axis of regional resistance is still capable of managing the war. This letter also showed the views of the resistance axis regarding the future of the war and the future horizon of the Zionist regime.

In this letter, Senwar emphasized that the resistance had good conditions and that the claims of the Zionist enemy in this regard were lies and psychological warfare.

Regarding the analysis of this letter, Saeed Ziad, an expert on international issues, told Al Jazeera that this letter shows that Sanwar, as the designer of the Al-Aqsa storm operation, knew about the possibility of the war being dragged to these conditions and had prepared the resistance and himself for such a war.

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