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9 members of the US Congress voted against the resolution supporting the Zionist regime

PNN – 9 members of the Democratic Party of the US House of Representatives voted against the resolution supporting the Zionist regime and condemning Hamas during the Gaza war.

According to the International group of Pakistan News Network, On Wednesday, 9 Democrats in the US House of Representatives voted against the resolution that supported the Zionist regime in the war against Hamas and condemned the activities of Hamas against this regime earlier this month.

According to the “Hill” report, yesterday, the US House of Representatives supported the Zionist regime against Hamas with the vote of 412 members, while 9 other members of the House condemned the actions of the Zionist regime against Hamas due to extensive airstrikes. They even asked the US government to stop its financial aid to this regime.

The names of these nine representatives who are staunch critics of the Zionist regime’s attacks on Gaza are as follows:

  1. Rashida Talib

Rashida Tlaib is a Democratic female representative from Michigan in the US House of Representatives, who is originally from Palestine and is considered a staunch critic of the Zionist regime. Earlier this year, he condemned the resolution of the US House of Representatives in support of this regime. In the course of his statements, he repeatedly called the Zionist regime apartheid and stated that the contrary claim about the Zionist regime means an attempt to deny the reality and normalize the violence caused by the apartheid regime by the pro-Tel Aviv representatives.

During this month, Tlaib once again attacked the actions of the Zionist regime in a statement, called it apartheid and asked America to stop supporting this regime. An issue that caused him to face negative reactions from other representatives. In part of his remarks criticizing the policies of the American government, he stated that as long as this country provides billions of dollars in unconditional funding to support the Zionist apartheid regime, this heartbreaking cycle of violence against the Palestinian people will continue.

  1. Cory Bush

Bush, as a Democratic representative of the US state of Montana, called for an end to US support for the Zionist regime earlier this month. He also led a coalition of progressive lawmakers who called on Joe Biden to push for an immediate ceasefire between Hamas and Israel.

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The emergency cease-fire resolution presented last week asked Biden to put pressure on the Israeli regime to reach an agreement by ending the fighting and sending and facilitating the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza. This Montana state legislator said in part of his statement: I am sorry for the lives of all the Palestinians who have been affected by this violence. In his statements, he stated that the war and violent retaliatory measures by the Zionist regime will not lead anywhere and will not end in justice, but will only bring death and suffering to more people.

  1. Jamal Bowman

New York Democratic Representative Jamal Bowman also asked the United States to deal with the process of conflicts that cause civilian deaths since the beginning of the conflict between Hamas and the Zionist regime. Criticizing the heavy air attacks of the Zionist regime, he said that we should govern in such a way as to cultivate humanity and not to succumb to violence. Bowman had previously ignored and criticized the speech of “Ishaq Herzog” in the US Congress.

  1. Andre Carson

Andre Carson, as a representative of the state of Indiana, has asked the Biden government to take action to end the unjust and violent rule of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people by proposing the solution of forming two governments. At the beginning of this month, he also spoke as one of the supporters of Corey Bush’s immediate ceasefire resolution against the actions of the Zionist regime and called for the efforts of the Biden administration to preserve the future of a Palestinian state.

  1. Al Green

The black and Democratic representative of the state of Texas, who has called for peace and cessation of conflicts between the parties during the attacks of the Zionist regime against Hamas, and has supported a resolution that emphasizes the need to provide more aid to Palestinians and civilians in Gaza.

  1. Summerly

During the conflicts between the Zionist regime and Hamas, Summerly, the Democratic representative of Pennsylvania joined Bush’s resolution to establish an immediate ceasefire while not supporting this regime. He has stated in a statement: We cannot allow the innocent civilians of Gaza, including children, to be punished en masse and completely inhumanely by Israel. We have already seen that Israeli airstrikes have killed thousands of civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands more, in violation of humanitarian law. Addressing the Zionist regime, Lee stated that the continuation of revenge against civilians will not help to end this violent and sad cycle.

  1. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

In a statement this month, the Democratic representative of the New York state called for an “immediate ceasefire and reduction of tension” between the two sides and declared that any ceasefire that reduces tension is necessary to save human lives.

  1. Ilhan Omar

In a statement, the Democratic representative of the American state of Minnesota raised the reason for not supporting the resolution of the House of Representatives and said that he cannot support a resolution that ignores the lives of thousands of Palestinians taken by the Zionist regime. Omar stated that this resolution does not even recognize the military bombing of the Zionist regime in Gaza, even after the authorities of this regime acknowledged the collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza. She has said that his position against innocent civilians is completely fixed and he only supports a ceasefire that will allow water, food and fuel to reach Gaza.

  1. Delia Ramirez

Ramirez also said in a statement about his decision to vote against this resolution, the said resolution does not respect the provision of a solution between the two sides and the rights of the Palestinian people to fight for freedom and security. He has stated that we cannot support the collective punishment of the Palestinian people in Gaza by the Zionist regime without reason. This democratic American representative pointed to the lives of 2,000 Palestinian children who were affected by the attacks of the Zionist regime and thousands of displaced Palestinians and condemned this regime for obstructing the delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians.

According to the latest reports, the barbaric attacks of the Zionist regime against the people of Gaza have left 6,546 martyrs and 17,439 others have been injured under the influence of these attacks.

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