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Al-Nakhlah: The Zionist regime kills Palestinians with American weapons.

Al-Nakhlah: The Zionist regime kills Palestinians with American weapons.

According to al-Mayadeen, the Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement gave a speech on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the establishment of this movement in a grand ceremony held in the “Al-Katibah” area in the Gaza Strip.

“Ziyad Al-Nakhleh” said in this ceremony: “The international side, especially the American one, still exists against the Zionist enemy.” The occupying regime is considered a part of America and its allies and similar to them in culture, history, and ethics, and the aid to this regime is for this reason. Despite all the challenges, the Islamic Jihad movement continues on the path of Jihad and resistance, and the battle with the enemy will continue until the victory over the Zionist plan.

He continued: “The Zionist regime kills us with American weapons, and the self-governing organization arrests us with Tel Aviv’s decision.” The Islamic Jihad movement and its fighters are present in the field together with other resistance groups to confront the occupying regime. Compromising Arab countries humbly seek the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime and collapse in front of it in a tragic way. Only resistance fighters can stop this disastrous situation.

The Secretary General of Islamic Jihad continued: We have been silent so far about their siege against us and the harassment they have caused to all our supporters, but we must no longer be silent about what they are doing. Today, our duty is to shout and confront, if we don’t, their idiots will say that the Palestinian people want this process. We confirm more than ever that we are opposed not only to normalizing relations but to all compromise measures from Camp David to Wadi Araba and Oslo.

Al-Nakhleh stated that lies and fake decisions still exist despite all the actions taken by the occupiers against the Palestinians in the West Bank. The Palestinian people are still rising and can make a change, and the resistance forces must appear at the level of the existing challenges. We see that our unity is based on confronting the occupation and not accepting it through a national program that does not recognize compliments. We must put aside despair and hope and know for sure that victory belongs to all resistant nations.

He pointed out: When we go to the battlefields, we know that we have to pay a heavy price, but don’t Palestine and Jerusalem deserve this price? Whoever does not fight will not win and whoever does not fight on this earth will be killed. The fighters and brave men of the resistance in the West Bank should be supported. The Palestinian resistance in Gaza will continue to support the nation and the resistance in the West Bank.

In another part of his speech, the Secretary General of Islamic Jihad pointed out that the tragedies that we are witnessing in Palestine and the Arab and Islamic region are not accidental, but the result of a continuous process, and said: Our enemies are trying to disperse our ranks and our countries to subdue in different ways. The pattern of the Palestinian Authority and the security services under the supervision of American generals is only a small example of all the events that are happening in our Arab region. The presence of the Zionist regime became prominent in many Arab security services after the so-called peace agreements and the wave of normalization.

Ziyad Al-Nakhleh emphasized: What is the meaning of the self-governing organization when settlement construction has spread like cancer in the West Bank, and the occupied Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque have been subjected to Judaization, and killings and arrests continue? The goal of our national unity should be to confront the occupation and stick to the resistance. I ask the Palestinian Authority to release all political detainees and resistance fighters whose arrest prevented the meeting of the general secretaries of the Palestinian groups from being held.

At the end of his speech, the Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement said: The battle of “Revenge of the Free” was one of the most important battles of the Islamic Jihad, which continued for five consecutive days, and all the enemy cities and towns were in the crosshairs of the Quds Battalion missiles. The leaders and fighters of Quds battalions came out of this battle proud, stronger, braver and with weapons in hand, despite the loss of some of their commanders. We emphasize the importance of the unity of the resistance forces in the region under the leadership of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. We will remain united with the brothers of the Hamas movement and the resistance forces in Palestine until the goals are achieved.

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