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Friday, September 20, 2024

Amended US resolution on the Gaza ceasefire in the Security Council’

Amended US resolution on the Gaza ceasefire in the Security Council’

According to Al Jazeera, the United States on Sunday evening distributed the revised draft of the ceasefire resolution in the Gaza Strip to the members of the United Nations Security Council for the second time, the details of which were presented by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, and asked them to agree to it. to vote

According to diplomatic sources, the vote is scheduled to take place on Monday, but South Korea, as the Security Council presidency, has not yet confirmed this.

The revised US resolution welcomes the cease-fire proposal announced on May 31 and accepted by Israel, calls on the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to accept it, and calls on both sides to implement the resolution fully and without delay. or implement conditions.

In the draft of this resolution, the importance of the adherence of the two parties to the provisions of the proposal after the agreement is emphasized and the readiness of the United States, Egypt and Qatar to work to ensure the continuation of the negotiations until all agreements are reached is welcomed.

The revised US draft resolution rejects any attempt to change the demographic or territorial composition of the Gaza Strip.

“Nate Evans”, the spokesperson of the US delegation to the United Nations, announced in a statement that this proposal would lead to a complete and immediate ceasefire with the release of the prisoners, and the members of the council should not let this opportunity be lost and they should unanimously support this agreement.

The new draft text of the US resolution on the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip specifies the content of this plan and responds to the requests of a number of member states since the beginning of the negotiations a week ago.

The first phase of the ceasefire, according to the revised draft of the resolution, includes the following: “immediate and complete” ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the release of Israeli prisoners by Hamas and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners, the withdrawal of the Israeli army from the populated areas of Gaza and the permission of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

According to the draft text, if the implementation of the first phase takes more than six weeks, the ceasefire will last as long as the negotiations continue.

According to diplomatic sources, a number of Security Council members had expressed concerns about the previous two versions of the American draft resolution, especially Algeria as the representative of the Arab group and Russia, which has veto power in the Security Council.

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