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America warns Israel about blocking West Bank revenues

PNN – US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Wednesday warned Israel against blocking West Bank revenues, saying such measures would lead to instability in the West Bank.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network from Al Jazeera English, these statements of Sullivan were published after Bezalel Smutrich, the Minister of Finance of the Zionist regime, said that he would prevent the transfer of tax income to the Palestinian Authority.

A Zionist official told the New York Times that this action is in response to the declaration of Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine.

Sullivan told reporters: I think this move is strategically wrong because withholding income would destabilize the West Bank. This will undermine the security and well-being of the Palestinian people, which is in Israel’s interest.

“It’s wrong to block funding that provides basic goods and services to innocent people,” Sullivan continued.

Following the recognition of the independent state of Palestine by three European countries, the Zionist regime has started retaliatory measures against the Palestinian Authority.

The Israeli army radio announced that “Yav Galant”, the war minister of this regime, has emphasized that he will announce the cancellation of the law of complete disconnection with the northern part of the West Bank.

Read more:

Foreign Minister of Ireland: Gaza war proved Israel’s long oppression of Palestine

Gallant said: Jewish domination over the West Bank will ensure security for Israel.

The Minister of War of the Zionist regime also announced the cancellation of previous orders to evacuate three Zionist settlements in the north of the West Bank.

In this regard, Bezalel Smotrich, the Minister of Finance of the Zionist regime, also asked the Prime Minister of this regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, to immediately take retaliatory measures against the autonomous organizations in response to the decision of Norway, Spain and Ireland to recognize the independent state of Palestine.

Smotrich also called for an urgent meeting of the Development Planning Council in the West Bank with the aim of approving the construction of 10,000 residential units for Zionist settlers in the area known as E1.

The finance minister of the occupying regime requested the cabinet of this regime to establish a Zionist settlement for each country that recognizes the independent state of Palestine.

He also asked the civil affairs department of this regime to prepare a strategic plan with the aim of planning the construction of three Zionist settlements in order to approve it in the said meeting.

Smotrich emphasized that he will request the permanent cancellation of the permission of the personalities and high-ranking officials of the self-governing organizations to pass through all crossings, as well as condemning them and their family members to financial punishment.

El Pais newspaper wrote about this: According to various media reports, the governments of Spain, Norway and Ireland announced today, Wednesday, the date on which they will recognize the state of Palestine.

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