Ansarullah leader: Israel will spread its crimes to other countries.
According to Al-Masirah, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badreddin Al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah, reacted in fiery speeches to the actions of the Zionist regime and the United States, accusing them of violating international obligations and continuing crimes against the Palestinian people.
He emphasized that Israel and the United States are two sides of the same coin and have a long history of unprecedented crimes in the world.
Criticism of efforts to normalize relations with Israel
Al-Houthi went on to point to the efforts of some Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel under the guise of compromise, and considered this action a great betrayal of the Islamic nation.
He said: “It is a crime and a disgrace for an Arab country to establish friendly relations with an entity like Israel, which is full of hatred and crime.”
Warning about the dangers of Israel for the Islamic world
The leader of Ansarullah warned that Israel is a real danger to all countries and nations of the Islamic world.
He added: If Israel can solve the Palestinian issue, it will spread its crimes to other countries and will not respect any country.
Violation of commitments by Israel and the United States
Referring to the repeated violation of commitments by the Zionist regime and the United States, Al-Houthi said: Israel and the United States have never adhered to their commitments, and this is a great lesson for those who have placed their hopes on agreements with them.
He also criticized Israel’s efforts to pressure the Hamas movement to accept the prisoner exchange without adhering to the next stages of the agreements.
Hamas and resistance to pressure
The Ansarullah leader emphasized that the Hamas movement cannot compromise on the rights of the second stage of the agreements, such as stopping the aggression on Gaza and completing the withdrawal of Israeli forces.
He said: Israel is trying to deprive Hamas of the trump card of prisoners, but Hamas will never accept such a thing.
Al-Houthi continued by condemning Israel’s crimes in Gaza, including the killing of civilians and the economic blockade, and said: “Nothing can justify the crimes of the Zionists. They have reached a level of insolence and aggression that they do not recognize any boundaries for their crimes.”
Call for global action against Israel
He called on the Islamic world to take serious and strong measures against Israel, saying: “Muslims have a religious responsibility to support Palestine. If they shirk this responsibility, they will be held accountable before God.”
Al-Houthi also expressed regret over the lack of sufficient action by Islamic and Arab countries to sever political and economic ties with Israel.
He added: “The enemy relies on material capabilities in its weapons and wars, and therefore economic sanctions are everyone’s duty, and everyone has the responsibility to support the Palestinian people within their expertise and capabilities.”
The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah continued: “We will increase tensions with Israel to the highest level, and then we will only speak to Israel and America with the language of fire and blood.”
Emphasizing that the Palestinian resistance needs money and weapons, the leader of Yemen noted: “Among the negative positions towards the Palestinian resistance is that they call this resistance terrorism, but the Arab countries do not take any action to change this issue. It is clear that these regimes do not want to take serious and honest action against the Zionists.”
At the end of his speech, the leader of Ansarullah considered jihad the only way to confront Israel’s rebellion and crimes, and called on the Islamic nation to unite in all fields, including military, political, economic and media, to confront the enemy. He asked: “Where is the Islamic nation’s movement in all fields for jihad in the way of God?”