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Friday, September 20, 2024

Authorities of different countries offer condolences following the martyrdom of the president.

The condolences of the authorities of different countries of the world following the martyrdom of the president.

Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, the president of Iran, was martyred on Sunday evening in the accident of the helicopter crash. Raisi had traveled to East Azarbaijan to inaugurate the “Qiz Qalasi” border dam, and the helicopter carrying him and his companions had an accident on the way back in the “Dizmar Forest” in the general area between Varzeghan and Jolfa in East Azarbaijan province.

Ayatollah Al-Hashem, Friday Imam of Tabriz, Hossein AmirAbdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malik Rahmati, Governor of East Azerbaijan and several other people accompanying the President in this helicopter are among the martyrs of this accident.

The presence of the President of Pakistan at the funeral ceremony of martyr Ibrahim Raisi

Asif Ali Zardari, the President of Pakistan, will participate in the funeral ceremony of Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, the President of Iran, on behalf of Islamabad.

On the other hand, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also attended the Iranian embassy in Islamabad a few moments ago and offered his condolences to Tehran’s ambassador.

Also, the office of the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari released a message on the occasion of the martyrdom of Syed Ibrahim Raeesi and announced that he regrets the news of the tragic death of the President of Iran in a helicopter crash.

The statement issued by the office of “Asif Ali Zardari” in this regard states: The President of Pakistan expresses his sincere condolences to the bereaved families of the President of Iran, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran and other victims of this accident.

The statement added: Today, Pakistan mourns the loss of a great friend. Just last month, we had the honor of hosting him in Pakistan. During our talks, I found him very eager to strengthen bilateral relations. Raisi always had a special place for Pakistan.

Appreciating Raisi’s honest services, Zardari said: the position of the president of Iran will be deeply empty in this crisis; He will remain strongly in the minds of Iranians.

Xi Jinping’s condolence message on the occasion of the martyrdom of Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi in Farsi

“Hua Chunying”, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, published a message on her social media on X (former Twitter) regarding the martyrdom of “Syed Ibrahim Raeesi” in Farsi, and condoled “Xi Jinping” in Farsi.

The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry wrote in this connection: On May 20, Chinese President Xi Jinping presented a letter of condolence to the First Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Mohammad Mokhbar, regarding the death of Mr. Seyed Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash.

“Hua Chunying” continued in this regard: Mr. Xi Jinping, on behalf of the government and people of China, while expressing his deep condolences to Mr. Mohammad Mokhbar, expresses his sincere sympathy to the family of Mr. Ebrahim Raisi and the government and people of Iran.

The mentioned message further added: Mr. Xi Jinping pointed out that Mr. Ebrahim Raisi, after being appointed as the president of Iran, played an important role in ensuring the security and stability of Iran and promoting the development and prosperity of the country, and also to the efforts of They worked positively to consolidate and strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Iran.

Payam, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, adds: His death is a great loss for the Iranian people, and the Chinese people have also lost a good friend and are very sad. The Chinese government and people cherish the long-standing friendship between Beijing and Tehran. With the joint efforts of Fimabin, the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Iran is continuously strengthened and developed.

Abdullah Ali Elahia in a phone call with Bagheri: Kuwait is with the government and people of Iran in this tragedy

During a phone call with the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdullah Ali Al-Hiya, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait, while expressing his regret for the incident that happened to the President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, expressed his condolences and condolences to the Emir, the government and the nation of Kuwait. and informed the people of Iran.

The Foreign Minister of Kuwait added: We stand by the government and people of Iran in this tragedy.

Ali Bagheri, while thanking the Emir and the government of Kuwait for expressing sympathy and sending messages of condolence, pointed to the efforts of Martyr Ayatollah Raisi and Martyr Amir Abdullahian to expand and deepen relations with neighboring countries, and emphasized on continuing this path.

Condolence message of the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh on the occasion of the martyrdom of “Syed Ibrahim Raisi” and Amir Abdullahian

“Mohammed Hasan Mahmud” (Mohammed Hasan Mahmud), the foreign minister of Bangladesh, published a message on his social media on X (formerly Twitter) regarding the martyrdom of “Syed Ibrahim Raisi” and wrote: “With deep regret the news of the death of Dr. Syed Ibrahim Raisi, the president and We offer our condolences to Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in the helicopter crash.

Payam, the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh, added in this regard: We offer our deepest condolences to the bereaved family members and stand by the brotherly nation of Iran at this critical time.

Erdogan: We stand by our friend and brother country, Iran

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, announced today in a message on the occasion of the martyrdom of Seyed Ibrahim Raisi: We are with our friend and brother country, Iran.

The President of Turkey continued in this regard: I seek mercy for the late Ebrahim Raisi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran. On behalf of myself, my nation and my country, I offer my condolences to the people of Iran.

Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan further added: We will be with the friendly and brotherly people of Iran in these difficult days as always. I believe from the bottom of my heart that our Iranian brothers and sisters will manage this process calmly according to their old and strong traditions.

Slovakia condoled the martyrdom of Seyed Ebrahim Raisi and Amir Abdullahian

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia published a message on its social media on X (former Twitter) regarding the martyrdom of Seyed Ebrahim Raisi and wrote: “Juraj Blanar”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia expresses his condolences to the people of Iran on the tragic death of President Ebrahim Raisi and Hossein Amirabdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other officials.

The message continues: They devoted themselves to serving the country and promoting diplomatic relations. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved families.

South Korea: We express our deepest sympathies to the people of Iran

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea announced in a statement: “The South Korean government expresses its deepest condolences and sympathies to the bereaved families and the people of Iran for the loss of the Iranian president and his companions in the helicopter crash.”

Kenya expressed its condolences to the government and people of Iran over the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and his accompanying delegation

“Mosalia Mudavadi”, Foreign Minister of Kenya: Our deepest sympathies and prayers are with the government and citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this difficult time.

Switzerland condoled the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and Amir Abdollahian

Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis posted a message on X social network and wrote: Regarding the helicopter accident that killed President Ebrahim Raisi, my (Iranian) counterpart Hossein Amirabdollahian and their accompanying delegation, to the families of the victims and Iranian citizens who were affected. I offer my condolences.

Moldova: We offer our sincere condolences on the death of Dr. Raisi and Dr. Amirabdollahian

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova published a message on the X social network and wrote:
Moldova expresses its deep and sincere sympathy for the death of Dr. Seyed Ibrahim Raisi, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Hossein Amirabdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as other officials.

The Moldovan government also expressed its condolences to the families of the martyrs.

NATO condoled the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and his accompanying delegation

Farah Dahlullah, the spokesperson of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), published a message in Farsi on X social network and wrote:
We offer our condolences to the Iranian nation for the death of President Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir Abdullahian and others who died in the helicopter crash.

South Africa condoled the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi to the Supreme Leader and the people of Iran

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa released a message announcing that “it is an extraordinary and unimaginable tragedy that the president of a nation with which South Africa has strong bilateral relations and with whom we are honored to welcome him to BRICS in Johannesburg in 2023 “We were there, he passed away.”

He expressed his “deep condolences and sympathy” to the supreme leader of the revolution and also to the government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

A day of public mourning is declared in India / Flags fly at half-mast across India

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India issued a statement while expressing condolences for the martyrdom of Ayatollah Seyed Ibrahim Raisi, the President and Hossein Amirabdollahian, the Foreign Minister of Iran and the accompanying delegation, and announced that the Indian government will declare tomorrow, Tuesday, a public and national mourning in honor of the death of the Iranian President and the accompanying delegation.

The statement said that the Indian flag will be flown at half-mast across the country on Tuesday and all entertainment programs will be canceled across India.

Prominent Russian analyst: New martyrs went to heaven / I express my deep sympathy to the people of Iran

Alexander Dugin, a prominent Russian philosopher and theoretician, published a message on X social network and wrote: I express my deepest condolences and sympathy to the people of Iran. New martyrs went to the sky and space is opened for new heroes on earth.

France condoled the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and his accompanying delegation

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement expressing its condolences to the families of the victims of the helicopter crash and announced: We offer our condolences to the Islamic Republic of Iran on the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and their companions.

Imran Khan: Raisi was a leader who supported Palestine

Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Pakistan:
I offer my condolences to the nation and government of Iran for the loss of Ayatollah Raisi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran in the helicopter crash.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi played a leading role in decisively supporting Palestine.

Condolence message of Moqtada Sadr after the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and his accompanying delegation

Moqtada Sadr, the leader of the Sadr Movement in Iraq, issued a message on X social network and expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and his accompanying delegation.

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