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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Barak: Hamas is not defeated; Gantz considers leaving the cabinet.

Barak: Hamas is not defeated; Gantz considers leaving the cabinet.
In a note, the former Prime Minister of Israel, while acknowledging that Hamas has not been defeated, wrote that 2 members of Netanyahu’s cabinet are considering leaving this cabinet.

“Ehud Barak”, the former prime minister of Israel, in a note in “Haaretz” newspaper, while admitting that Hamas has not lost in Gaza, called for early elections in occupied Palestine.

Barak wrote at the beginning of this note: “It has been 15 weeks since the war. On the field, we witness an inspiring display of courage and sacrifice. In Israel, however, we are witnessing despair and the feeling that despite the achievements of the Israeli army, Hamas has not been defeated and the chances of returning the hostages are decreasing.

He has pointed out four assumptions about the Gaza war: “1- That Israel must destroy Hamas’s ability to rule Gaza and threaten Israel. 2- That Israel has no interest in staying in Gaza permanently. 3- The people of Gaza are not going anywhere. and 4- that it is necessary to determine a responsible institution for the permanent governance of the Gaza Strip after destroying the capabilities of Hamas.”

In the continuation of this note, Barak described America’s support for Israel as the “cornerstone” of this regime’s security and wrote: “America restrains Hezbollah and Iran, supplies us with weapons, vetoes Security Council resolutions, and is our supporter at the Hague Tribunal. “

According to this former Israeli official, Washington proposed a plan to Tel Aviv two months ago, which is still on the table. In explaining this plan, he writes: “After destroying the capabilities of Hamas, a force composed of Arabs should be formed to govern Gaza for a limited period. During this interim period, Gaza will be under the control of a strengthened self-governing organization.

The former prime minister of Israel also wrote that another part of this plan includes Israel’s agreement to participate in negotiations regarding the two-state solution.

He further warned that showing more hesitation on the part of Israel would reduce the chance of success of this plan.

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