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Friday, September 20, 2024

Blinken’s commute to Tel Aviv; What is the goal?

Blinken’s commute to Tel Aviv; What is the goal?

A point that has attracted the attention of political analysts and observers is the several visits of the Secretary of State of the United States of America to occupied Palestine. Anthony Blinken will travel to Tel Aviv for the fourth time on Thursday; An action for which several reasons can be mentioned. In his opinion, the first goal of this trip should be to prevent the internal collapse of the Zionist regime. To understand and analyze the trip, it should be noted that due to the Gaza war, Israel suffered political, intelligence, and military defeats and finally agreed to a ceasefire to free its prisoners. Hamas and Islamic Jihad definitely had the upper hand in this exchange and were able to release a large number of their prisoners, and this is considered another political defeat for the Zionists.

The presence of four nuclear warships of the United States in the eastern Mediterranean shows that the Americans feel extremely threatened by the internal conditions of the Zionist regime; For this reason, White House officials, including President Joe Biden, Defense Minister Lloyd Austin, and Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken, traveled to the occupied territories a few days after the start of the conflicts in the Gaza Strip; In particular, Anthony Blinken, who considers himself a Jew, has traveled to these areas four times in the past weeks.

The second reason and purpose of the trip to occupied Palestine is to give spirit to Benjamin Netanyahu and the government under his command, because the conditions are painful for the Zionist regime and the action of the foreign minister shows the support of America for this regime.

The third reason for Blinken’s presence in Tel Aviv is the military aid that has flowed from the United States to occupied Palestine in recent weeks. The aid that Israel pays 1 billion dollars a day in damages due to the closure of industrial and commercial centers (which has caused serious damage to the economy of this regime). For this reason, it needs material and spiritual support from the United States. The US Congress has also left Biden’s hand open for financial aid and weapons to the Zionist regime; It seems that the US foreign minister has traveled to the occupied territories to check the latest situation and internal and external military and financial needs, so he can provide a detailed report of the actions taken to the Congress.

Also, considering that the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia did not support the people of Palestine and Gaza, the presence of the US Secretary of State in the region for further consultation about the future of the Israeli regime and that this regime should remain and the axis of resistance should not act against the Zionist regime to be It seems that Mr. Blinken traveled to this region only because of the latest internal and regional situation of the Zionist regime.

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