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Friday, September 20, 2024

Bolton: Trump doesn’t know his right hand from his left hand.

Bolton: Trump doesn’t know his right hand from his left hand.

The website of the American Congress (Hill) announced that “John Bolton”, the former national security advisor of this country, stated in a conversation with CNN that Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, does not recognize the difference between right and wrong.

The former US National Security Advisor said in this regard: Look, Trump cannot tell the difference between his right and left hands. The problem is not that he lies a lot, because to lie he has to do it consciously; He simply cannot tell the difference between his right and left hand.

Bolton’s comments in response to Trump’s Thursday press conference have been in the media.

The meeting lasted more than an hour, during which Trump answered questions from the press about the current vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris, and the election, as well as strategy and policies.

At one point, Trump claimed that members of his team were calling for Hillary Clinton to be jailed, saying that he would never have wanted that for the former first lady.

Donald Trump emphasized: I was very protective of him. I think my fans understood that. They said to imprison him. Imprison him. And I was saying just relax; calm

His statements and claims have been raised while Trump repeatedly encouraged his supporters during his 2016 election campaign when they chanted the slogan “Put him (Hillary Clinton) in jail”.

Trump also said in his press conference that it is illegal to introduce Harris as the Democratic candidate after Joe Biden’s withdrawal, without participating in the election primaries; While referring to Trump’s words, Bolton said: This is another sign of how little Trump knows about American history.

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