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Celebrations in Yemen for the Birth of Prophet of Islam.

Celebrations in Yemen for the Birth of the Prophet of Islam.

During the days of Rabi al-Awwal, if you look at the cities of Yemen from above, you will see the towns completely covered in green; Because Yemen is preparing for the anniversary of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Yemeni people consider this day as the day of obedience to God and declaration of loyalty and allegiance to his prophet.

For more than 11 centuries, the people of Yemen have been celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad Amin (PBUH) in the form of a national and nationwide celebration with the presence of millions.

Organizing committees are formed to hold the mentioned celebration in Yemen. Also, dozens of large squares are decorated to welcome the Yemenis. “Al-Sabain” square in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, is one of the special squares of this national celebration.

11 centuries of green clothing in Yemen in the era of the great prophet / the secret of this historical affection

The national celebration of the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) is held in Yemen for about 30 days; As you can see in the pictures, the whole city is decorated with green lighting, and even their cars are painted green.

11 centuries of green clothing in Yemen in the era of the great prophet / the secret of this historical affection

The special speaker for the birthday of the Prophet (PBUH) in Sana’a is Seyyed Abdul Malik, the leader of Yemen’s Ansar Allah.

The Prophet (PBUH) is a role model for Yemenis. The gathering of the Yemeni people in the national celebration of the Prophet’s (PBUH) anniversary means obedience to God and loyalty to His Messenger. In this national celebration, Yemenis declare their acceptance of governorship from God and His Messenger. Yemenis believe that being under the name of the Prophet (PBUH) strengthens and motivates the nation. The way of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the only way for the nation to get out of many crises because he is a messenger of peace and a symbol of unity in times of division.

On the occasion of the national celebration of the birthday of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) in Yemen, we examined the high status of Yemen and Yemenis in the eyes of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and reviewed and introduced prominent figures of Yemenis in the history of Islam and Shiism, which are explained It follows the report;

The best men are from Yemen

In the book of Jafar bin Muhammad bin Shareih about the high status of Yemen and the Yemenis in the eyes of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it is stated: One day, the Prophet (pbuh) said to Ayina bin Hussain bin Hudhaifa Badr San: “I am a better horse expert than you. » Ayina replied: “I am more knowledgeable than you.” The Prophet (PBUH) said: “How?” He replied: “The best men are those who put razors on their shoulders and put spears on their horses’ shoulders, and these people are not Najd.” The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) replied: “Lie! It is good for the people of Ahl al-Yaman and the Alaiman of Yemen and the people of Yemen and most of the tribes to enter Paradise on the Day of Al-Qimaa. You lied about the fact that the best men are from Najd! The best men are from Yemen and the faith is Yemeni. (Yemani is related to Yemen and is another word for Yemeni) and I am also a Yemeni, and the Mazhij are the tribes that will enter heaven on the Day of Judgment.

Also, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever loves the people of Yemen has loved me and whoever hates them has loved me, and whoever has a grudge against them has grudged me.”

Hazrat Rasool (PBUH) considers the people of Yemen to be the most tender-hearted. As they have said: “Ahl al-Yaman are pure in heart and generous in obedience and generous in obedience; The people of Yemen are the most soft-hearted, soft-hearted and obedient people.

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