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Friday, September 20, 2024

CIA project to use artificial intelligence

Pak Sahafat – An American media announced the project of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to produce a tool based on artificial intelligence with the aim of helping the country’s intelligence agencies sift through the large amount of public information.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, Randy Nixon, director of open source projects at the CIA, who is responsible for the development of this tool based on artificial intelligence, said in an interview to Bloomberg: “We need to find the needle in the haystack.”

The CIA director explained that this tool, which is similar to “Chat-GPT” (an artificial intelligence tool developed by Open AI), will allow analysts to see the original source of information, ask more questions and interpret the information.

The tool will allow agents to search for information, ask relevant questions and sift through large volumes of data, Nixon said. He said: “Then you can take it to the next level and start chatting and asking the machines questions and they’ll give you answers that are also sourced. Our portfolio continues to grow with no limits other than cost constraints.”

According to Nixon, this tool is part of the Washington administration’s overall plan to employ artificial intelligence and compete with China.

He stated that the CIA plans to soon provide this tool for use by 18 American intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and military organizations.

He added, policymakers and the general public will not have access to this tool.

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