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Friday, September 20, 2024

Continuation of the Zionist regime’s moves to expand settlements in the West Bank at the same time as the Gaza war

PNN – At the same time as the war in Gaza, the Zionist regime’s moves to expand settlements in the West Bank and the occupied territories continue.

According to Pakistan News Network (Saturday), Al-Ahad said in a report: In a situation where US President Joe Biden insists on the need to recognize the disarmed Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza so that it does not pose a threat to the Zionist regime, the Zionist authorities are seeking to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank.

In this context, the Zionist media “Yediot Aharnot” reported on the movements of the Zionist authorities to hold a meeting to approve the creation of new settlements, and according to estimates, seven thousand residential units are to be built in several stages in the occupied areas.

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Telegraph: Biden enters the most dangerous days of his presidency

Shlomo Neman, the head of the Gush Etzion District Council and the head of the Yasha Council in the West Bank claimed: The fact that we have not done anything so far is because we understand Israel’s difficult situation. Strategic relations with America are in accordance with the needs of the war. We have a lot of patience, but the time has come for this stagnation to end and to free ourselves from the humiliating orders of America, which prohibits us from building settlements in the West Bank. If construction is not done this year, it will never be built in the next three years. The Israeli government must understand that we have reached a moment when the enemy will respond not only in Gaza and Lebanon but also in the West Bank.

The sedition of the Zionists in the Palestinian land, which began in 1917 with the British conspiracy and reached its peak in 1948 with the establishment of the fake Israeli regime, still continues with the usurpation of Palestinian lands and the construction of Zionist settlements in these lands, and even this process in recent war of the Zionist regime against the Gaza Strip, which started on October 15, and so far nearly 27 thousand Palestinians have been martyred, has not stopped.

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