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Deliberate attacks by the Zionist regime against medical and rescue teams in Gaza

PNN – The occupying regime, which proved that it has no limits in targeting civilians with the military by bombing al-Mu’amdani hospital, continues to threaten other hospitals and brutal attacks on their premises and surrounding areas and medical centers in the Gaza Strip.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, last night, the fighters of the occupying regime bombed the Quds Hospital compound in the Gaza Strip, which caused a lot of damage.

Bombing of Quds Hospital in Gaza

The occupiers, who previously proved that they have no limits to their brutality by deliberately bombing Al-Mohamdani Hospital and massacring women and children, have increased their threats to attack other hospitals, including Quds Hospital, during the past few days.

In this context, “Bashar Murad”, the head of Quds Hospital in the Gaza Strip, announced that the occupiers threatened to bomb this hospital and demanded its evacuation. A hospital that accommodates 160,000 displaced people. The occupiers are still bombing around the hospital and they also bombed a residential tower near the hospital located in Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood.

Al-Mayadin reporter reported about the attack of the occupying regime’s fighters on the Quds Hospital area. Warnings have also been raised about the bombing of medical centers in the Gaza Strip, and yesterday the Zionists heavily attacked the surroundings of the Nusirat clinic in the center of Gaza.

Occupiers attack schools and cultural centers

On the other hand, the government media office in the Gaza Strip announced that the occupiers are threatening to bombard the Orthodox Cultural Center and the Roman School, each housing 1,000 and 500 displaced persons, respectively. Continuing to bombard the area and surrounding areas of hospitals and threatening the enemy to bombard them directly and warning about the evacuation of hospitals is a dangerous aggression that adds to the brutal war crimes of the occupying regime. The level of savagery of the Zionist enemy was well proven in the bombing of Al-Mohamedani Hospital.

In the statement of the state media office in the Gaza Strip, it is stated that the management of public and private hospitals and the members of the medical staff continue to refuse to surrender and evacuate the hospitals and adhere to their humanitarian duties in helping the wounded and sick, this is a clear proof of the resistance and steadfastness of the Palestinian nation and the stability and loyalty of the medical teams that stood by the Palestinian people against the Zionist Nazis.

According to this statement, 116 members of the medical teams, 18 members of the rescue teams and 35 journalists and media activists have been martyred since the beginning of the aggression of the occupiers in the Gaza Strip.

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The deepening of differences between the Zionist leaders in the midst of the Gaza war/ Benny Gantz and Lapid’s sharp attack on Netanyahu

The government media office in the Gaza Strip asked the international institutions to continue documenting the crimes of the occupying regime and to try to deal with its threats and put pressure on this regime to stop the crimes against medical institutions and teams in the Gaza Strip.

The World Health Organization’s concern about Zionist threats against hospitals

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organization, expressed his concern about the warnings of the Zionist regime to evacuate the Quds hospital and stated: We reiterate that it is not possible to evacuate hospitals that are full of patients. Health care should always be according to international humanitarian law.

The occupiers use poisonous gases in their attack on Gaza

On the other hand, knowledgeable sources reported to Al-Mayadin that the Zionists are using poisonous gases in their operational area in Gaza.

These sources emphasized that the army of the occupying regime uses poisonous gases in the main areas of operation of its forces, especially in Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun.

The Human Rights Watch organization had previously announced by presenting reliable evidence and reasons that Israel is using banned phosphorous bombs in its attack on the Gaza Strip.

Intentional attacks by the occupiers against rescue teams in Gaza

On the other hand, “Mahmoud Bassel”, the spokesman of the Gaza Strip Urban Defense Department, announced that a number of personnel of this department were martyred while carrying out rescue operations and helping those who were left under the rubble.

Emphasizing the necessity of bringing civil defense teams from outside Gaza with special and heavy machinery to carry out debris removal operations and help rescue teams, he announced: Hospitals no longer have capacity and many injured people are treated in the rubble and cannot go to the hospital. The complete disconnection of communications and the Internet in the Gaza Strip had greatly disrupted the work of rescue teams and we were shocked to see the bodies of the martyrs in the streets.

Mahmoud Bassel pointed out that the occupiers are deliberately targeting shelter centers and emphasized: “If fuel does not enter Gaza immediately, we are heading towards a big disaster.”

Blocking aid to Gaza is a war crime

“Karim Khan”, the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court, also reacted to the crimes of the occupying regime in the Gaza Strip and by visiting the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, he announced that preventing the delivery of relief aid to Gaza is a war crime.

Pointing out that the people of Gaza are suffering a great calamity, he emphasized that Israel must respect international humanitarian laws. It is not permissible to delay the arrival of humanitarian aid to civilians in the Gaza Strip, and there should not be any obstacle for humanitarian aid to reach this area.

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