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Friday, September 20, 2024

Democrats criticize Biden’s lack of transparency in military support for the Zionist regime

PNN – The Washington Post wrote in a report referring to the comprehensive support of the American government to the Zionist regime: Biden has been unusually secretive about his military support program for the Israelis, seeking to exclude military arms transfers to the occupied territories from the congressional notification process.

According to Pakistan News Network from the Washington Post, Dozens of Democrats in the US Senate announced that they do not agree with Biden’s request to reject congressional oversight of the transfer of US military weapons to occupied territories. At the same time, the Biden administration is seeking to bypass such requirements for immediate billions of military aid to the Zionist regime.

The pressure of the Democrats on the American government in this regard takes place while considering the large volume of barbaric and inhumane attacks by the Zionist regime against the civilians of Gaza, even a large number of Democrats who historically supported the formation of a Jewish state in the occupied territories also want to contain the regime.

It should be noted that international human rights groups accuse the Zionist regime of indiscriminate bombing of Gaza and committing war crimes. Health authorities in Gaza announced that more than 23,000 Palestinians were martyred in the brutal attacks of Israel in the last three months in this densely populated area.

The Washington Post added: The lack of transparency of the Biden administration has also prompted congressional Democrats to demand basic information about their aid to the Zionist regime and the parameters of the goals, methods and process of attacks on Gaza.

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Biden’s opponents compare his approach to military support for Israel with the US aid to Ukraine. While the US State Department and the Pentagon have publicly recorded tens of billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the Biden administration claims that Kiev still needs more weapons in the fight against Russia.

At the end of last month, government officials bypassed Congress in this regard and, citing an emergency authority and declaring “the urgency of Israel’s defense needs,” sold military and artillery equipment worth $147.5 million to the Zionist regime, which angered the Democrats.

US lawmakers are currently debating Biden’s request to allocate more than $10 billion in additional military aid to Israel as part of a $106 billion supplemental budget request to pay for a range of national security operations. It is said that Israel is currently the largest recipient of US security aid.

Biden’s request included a controversial provision, according to the text of the bill released by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Under this provision, any congressional notification requirements that apply to funds available to Israel may be waived if the Secretary of State determines that doing so would not be in the national security interest of the United States.

This report added: The Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate have asked the Biden government to force the Zionist regime to meet certain conditions in order to receive American aid. They have warned that otherwise they will openly oppose any further aid to the Israelis.

At the same time, the left wing of the Democratic Party has spoken especially in urging Biden to adopt stronger positions in support of the human rights of Palestinians. Senator Bernie Sanders said last week that he opposes the government’s request for additional aid to the Zionist regime and called the war in Gaza “grossly disproportionate, immoral and a violation of international law.”

Sanders said in a statement: Americans should be aware that Israel’s war (regime) against the Palestinian people has been carried out significantly with bombs, artillery shells and other types of American-made weapons.

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