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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Failure to agree on Palestine’s permanent membership in the United Nations.

Failure to agree on Palestine’s permanent membership in the United Nations.

According to Palestine Elium, “Vanessa Fraser”, the representative of Malta in the United Nations, whose country is the head of the Security Council this month, announced the failure of the plan of permanent membership of Palestine in this organization.

Meanwhile, according to Fries, two-thirds of the committee members for reviewing the admission of new members to the United Nations have voted in favor of this issue in their meeting regarding the permanent membership of Palestine in this organization.

While announcing this issue, Fraser emphasized: There was no consensus on this matter.

Without announcing the names of the countries, he stated that two-thirds of the members of the Security Council approve the full membership of Palestine in the United Nations, but the relevant committee can only make decisions with the consensus of the members.

However, this issue will not mean the end of Palestine’s efforts, and each of the member states of the Security Council can propose a vote on Palestine’s efforts to become a full member of the United Nations.

Diplomatic sources emphasized that it is possible to vote on Palestine’s permanent membership in the United Nations in the Security Council at the request of Algeria on April 18.

Frazier announced that 9 out of 15 votes are needed to approve such an issue, but observers doubt that this will be achieved due to the positions of the United States.

“Robert Wood”, the deputy representative of the United States in the United Nations, emphasized on Monday that the position of this country will not change and added: The recognition of the Palestinian state should be done within the framework of the agreement with Israel and not in the United Nations.

He stated that his country adheres to the American law that “if the membership of Palestine is approved outside of the agreement with Israel, UN funding must be cut off.”

It should be noted that Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, submitted a request for Palestine’s membership in the United Nations in September 2011, but the United Nations only agreed to accept Palestine as a non-member observer in the organization in November 2012.

Last week, in a letter to the Security Council, the self-governing organization once again raised the request for Palestine’s permanent membership in this organization. The issue that was investigated started last Monday.

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