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Friday, September 20, 2024

Haaretz: Netanyahu hides his goals even from his allies

PNN – The Hebrew newspaper Ha’aretz announced that even the representatives of Israel in the negotiations regarding the prisoner exchange agreement do not know exactly what Netanyahu wants.

According to the Pakistan News Network, this Hebrew-language media said in an article that even those who are working on behalf of Israel to prepare the ground for the second prisoner exchange agreement do not know what exactly the prime minister wants.

Yossi Farter added in this regard, it was expected that the hollow slogan of “all-encompassing victory” would not have any results for us. Although it has been fruitful for Netanyahu, and despite the shouts made in TV studios, messages sent and posters pasted on cars and billboards for early elections and the trial of the main person responsible for the Gaza disaster, Netanyahu still remains in power.

In another part of this article, it is stated that the negotiations in Cairo do not bring good news, that is, there is no news of progress in it.

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According to high-ranking officials of Gantz’s party, Netanyahu is seeking to turn this issue into a political confrontation by disrupting the sending of the negotiating team to Cairo and to prepare the grounds for Gantz and Eisenkot’s dismissal from the cabinet in any way possible.

Some informants announced that Netanyahu wanted to take away the price of his popularity and the tendency of his former fans towards Gantz.

Netanyahu still maintains his confidence and not only seeks to preserve his coalition, but also seeks to gain points from the prisoner exchange agreement process. Therefore, he boycotted Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, a member of Gantz’s party, and all members of the war cabinet, and did not allow them access to the decisions related to the return of the Israeli negotiating team to the Cairo negotiations, in order to show the voters that the main decision-maker is himself.

And although it is expected that Gantz and Eisenkot did not oppose Netanyahu’s decisions and even approve them, but they are not willing to share this decision with anyone.

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