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Friday, October 4, 2024

Imam Khamenei: Every blow to the Zionist regime is a service to humanity.

Imam Khamenei: Every blow to the Zionist regime is a service to humanity.

Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a huge and glorious gathering of people in the religious-political Friday prayer in Tehran, called the unity and solidarity of Muslims a cause of receiving divine mercy and honor and victory over the enemies and emphasized: based on the defense rules of Islam, the law The basis of the Islamic Republic and international laws, the brilliant work of the Iranian armed forces in punishing the Zionist vampire regime was completely legal and legitimate, and the Islamic Republic will do whatever duty it feels in this field, without delay or haste, with strength, firmness and determination.

In this ceremony, which was held in the presence of many believers, revolutionaries and responsible people of Tehran in the mosque of Imam Khomeini (RA) and kilometers of streets around it, Hazrat Ayatollah Khamenei also called Mujahid Martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah a source of pride and a popular face of the Islamic world and eloquent. The nations of the region read and added: The impact of the flag bearer of the resistance and the brave defender of the oppressed will increase after his martyrdom, and the nations of the region and the Mujahideen, in the presence of Allah, the message of his martyrdom means more faith and trust, stronger unity, a stronger and unquestioning continuation of the struggle until defeat and destruction. They will follow the Zionist enemy with all their might.

In explaining the Quranic policy of “Muslim solidarity”, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: “Muslims’ guardianship, in the sense of unity, empathy, and cooperation, follows the dignified and wise help of God, which will result in overcoming obstacles and victory over enemies.”

He considered the opposite of this divine policy to be the divisive policy of the arrogant and aggressors of the world and added: The Islamic Ummah has suffered a lot from the divisive and ruling policy of the arrogant, but today is the day of Muslim awakening and this evil policy should not be allowed to be repeated.

Referring to the different military, political, economic, social, and cultural policies of the enemies for divisiveness, Ayatollah Khamenei said: The enemy of the Iranian nation is the same as the enemy of the nations of Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and other Islamic countries, and all offensive and divisive orders The order is issued from the same room and the only difference is the different methods in Islamic countries.

The leader of the revolution stressed: If every nation wants to avoid the paralyzing siege of the enemy, it must be awake and as soon as the enemy goes to a nation, it must rush to the aid of that nation, otherwise it will be its turn.

He emphasized: We must fasten the belt of defense, independence and honor from Afghanistan to Yemen and from Iran to Gaza and Lebanon in all Islamic countries.

The Leader of the Revolution, referring to the clear defense rules of Islam regarding the legitimacy and rationality of defending one’s land, home and interests, added: Based on the constitution and also international laws, the defense of nations, including the Palestinian nation, against invaders and occupiers, is completely legitimate and has a solid logic. and no one and no international center or organization has the right to protest against them.

Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed to the legitimacy of helping a nation that defends itself against the occupiers based on Islam, reason and international laws, and added: For this reason, no one has the right to tell the Lebanese nation and Hezbollah about helping the oppressed people of Gaza and Support the uprising of the Palestinian people to protest.

The Leader of the Revolution called the Al-Aqsa storm operation which took place last year at the same time as a right, logical move by international laws and the rights of the Palestinian nation and praised the Lebanese people’s fierce defense of the Palestinian people.

On this basis, Ayatollah Khamenei called the brilliant action of our country’s armed forces a few nights ago against the Zionist regime as completely legitimate and legal and said: the action of our armed forces is the least punishment for the usurping Zionist regime against the astonishing crimes of that vampiric, wolf-like and rabid American regime. was in the area.

Emphasizing that whatever task the Islamic Republic has in this field, it will perform it with strength, firmness, and determination, he added: We do not delay or fail in the performance of this task, nor do we fall into haste, and what is reasonable, logical and right according to the opinion Military and political decision-makers will be acted upon in time, as this work was done and will be done in the future if necessary.

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