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Friday, September 20, 2024

In order to get rid of the Jews, the Europeans agreed to form the Israeli government in Palestine

PNN – An expert on the history and civilization of Islamic nations believes that one of the reasons for the establishment of the Israeli state by the West in Palestine is the liberation of the Christian people of Europe from the hands of the Jews, who had many religious and political differences.

According to Pakistan News Network, Seyyed Masoud of Alavi Tabar was held virtually with the presence of a group of people of Andisheh and the writings of the countries of Iran’s cultural sphere, he said: One of the reasons for the establishment of the state of Israel by the West in Palestine was the liberation of the Christian people of Europe from the hands of the Jews, who had many religious and political differences, and the other reason was the management and domination of the West Asian region and intervention in that region through the permanent presence of a military force.

Referring to the depth of the recent crimes committed by the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, he said: Although the shameful silence of human rights claimants regarding the continuous killings and genocides of Palestinians by the Zionists, since the beginning of the establishment of this fake and illegitimate regime, is not hidden from anyone, but the ugliness of the mass killings and the horrific crimes of this child-killing regime in Gaza and the bombing of al-Mu’amdani hospital were such that denying this great human tragedy by no one and in any way was not possible and will not be possible. In such a way that even organizations and officials such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, European Union Council President Charles Michel, French President Emmanuel Macron, the leader of the British Labor Party, the US presidential candidate, and the foreign ministries of Germany and Spain are forced to condemn this crime and this great human tragedy.

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