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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Iraq declared a holiday on the anniversary of the victory over ISIS

PNN – The Prime Minister of Iraq has announced a holiday next Sunday on the occasion of the anniversary of the victory over the ISIS terrorist group in this country.

According to Pakistan News Network, quoted by the Iraqi media, Mohammad Shia al-Sudani announced that December 10, 2023 is a holiday in this country on the occasion of the anniversary of the victory over ISIS.

On June 4, 2014, the extremist and Takfiri group of ISIS launched a massive attack on Iraq with regional and global support and was able to occupy the city of Mosul on June 10 and Tikrit on June 11, and quickly took more than a third of Iraq under its control.

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Following the attack of the ISIS terrorist group in Iraq, the Iraqi army, with the famous fatwa of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani, the supreme authority of this country, and the formation of the Al-Hashd al-Shaabi organization, finally succeeded with the great sacrifices of the Iraqi youth, that after three and a half years of war, ISIS defeat and declare victory over this terrorist group in 2017.

Since then, although the small cells of ISIS hide in the mountains and desert and border areas, especially in the provinces of Nineveh, Anbar and Diyala, carry out terrorist operations against the military and civilians, on the other hand, the Iraqi forces carry out several cleaning operations on a weekly basis.

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