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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Leader of the Revolution: America and the Zionist regime will definitely receive a harsh response

PNN – The supreme leader of the revolution said: The enemies, both the US and the Zionist regime, should know that they will definitely receive a severe response to what they are doing against Iran and the resistance front.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution this morning in a meeting with thousands of students explained the basic causes of the 70-year struggle of the Iranian nation against the oppression and excesses of the United States, and said: The Islamic, national, rational, wise and human confrontation of the Iranian nation with the arrogance of the United States, which is in accordance with international laws, will continue with the correct plan and without neglect or delay, and in this victorious path, the Zionist regime and the United States will resist any action against the Iranian nation.

At the beginning of his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei said, referring to the suggestion of one of the students on how to deal with arrogance: Let everyone know that in this struggle, every necessary military, weapon and political action will be taken for the preparation of the Iranian nation, and the authorities are currently busy with such things.

He added: The general movement of the nation and the authorities in confronting the global arrogance and the criminal apparatus ruling the current world order is a logical move in accordance with religion, sharia, ethics and international laws, and the nation and the authorities will not hesitate in this regard.

The leader of the revolution called the struggle of the Iranian nation against arrogance as a permanent, continuous issue in the context of the nation’s life and said: Naming a day as the National Day of Struggle with Global Arrogance is actually to not forget this historical struggle; Especially that there are hands at work that create doubt in the brave and conscious movement of the nation to stand up and fight against America and its agents in the region and then deny this confrontation.

Read more:

Leader of Ansarullah: We should not accept the equation of “action without response” from the enemy

Referring to the attempt of some to cast doubt on the validity of the issue of capturing the spy nest, he said: Some say that the American embassy, ​​like the embassies of all countries, has been a place of diplomatic movements and information gathering; so why was it conquered?

Ayatollah Khamenei rejected this suspicion and emphasized: The American embassy in Tehran, as confirmed by the documents obtained from it, was the planning headquarters for inciting and organizing the counter-revolution and Sawak Shah’s scum, creating discord, inciting ethnic groups, coup d’état, threatening the life of Imam Khomeini (RA) and destroying the revolution, and this fact even If some of the perpetrators of that incident had doubts, it will not change.

The leader of the revolution considered the documents discovered in the spy den very important and enlightening and added: the youth should read the books of the den documents and other documents in order to become more aware of the truth of the American embassy turning into a center of networking and conspiracy against the revolution.

He called the capture of the spy nest a turning point and an unforgettable historical incident due to the clarification of the true nature of the American embassy and added: It was for this reason that the imam approved the movement of the students with that penetrating vision.

Ayatollah Khamenei, in response to a basic question about the cause of the Iranian nation’s struggle with global arrogance, said: Without a doubt, this confrontation was caused by the cruel and brazen dominance of the American government over our dear nation and Iran.

Referring to some deviant historians who call the capture of the spy nest the starting point of the confrontation between the Iranian nation and the United States, he added: This is a lie and this confrontation goes back to at least August 28, 1332; Because on that date, the Americans, by betraying the naive good faith of Mossadegh’s government, overthrew that national and people’s government with a bloody coup and re-established the Shah’s tyrannical rule.

The leader of the revolution recommended the young people to study the adventures of the national movement and the August 28 coup and recommended researchers to produce works in this field and added: These are the turning points in the history of the Iranian nation and they should be well explained.

The leader of the revolution did not consider it correct to cast doubt on the possibility of confronting an advanced, strong and dominant system like America, considering the successful experience of the last 46 years of the Iranian nation, and said: The Iranian nation has definitely succeeded in this struggle until today, and one sign of that is its ability to weaken the power of the United States, which frightens the nations and forces them to retreat.

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