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Friday, September 20, 2024

Members of the French Parliament officially keyed the impeachment of Macron

PNN – 81 members of the French parliament signed the impeachment request of Emmanuel Macron and demanded the impeachment of the French president based on article 68 of the country’s constitution.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, quoting from BFM TV news website, Mathilde Pano, the parliamentary leader of the far-left party “Unyielding France”, referring to Macron’s refusal to appoint Lucie Castes as the prime minister of France, said: 6 members of the French Parliament from the Green Party and three members of this Parliament from other parties joined 72 members of the French Parliament from the Invincible France Party to officially submit the request for Macron’s impeachment to the parliament office of this country with the signature of 81 members.

Stating that the start of the impeachment process is the appropriate political response to the anti-democratic coup that Macron is carrying out, Pano added: This initiative is a test of the independence that the French parliament must show in the face of a president who increasingly sees himself as an autocrat.

According to BFM TV news website, although the impeachment process of Macron has started with the signature of 81 members of the French Parliament, it is a long and difficult process because it needs the approval of two-thirds of the 577 members of the French Parliament.

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The website of the French Newspaper Le Monde wrote that the far-left party “France Invincible” targeted Macron’s efforts to elect the French prime minister and declared that the president should not engage in “political tussles”.

By refusing to accept the nomination of Lucie Costes as the new prime minister of France following the country’s July parliamentary elections, Macron has faced the parties of “Unyielding France”, the Greens, the Socialists and the Communists.

In the draft resolution of Macron’s impeachment, the representatives of the Invincible France Party wrote: The National Assembly and the Senate must defend democracy against a president with authoritarian tendencies.

Mathilde Pano, the parliamentary leader of the Invincible French Party, said: He has sent documents to other representatives to collect their signatures.

Macron has so far refused to accept the candidate of the left-wing party and has said that he has no chance of winning a vote of confidence in the parliament.

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