PNN – The New Delhi police announced that more than 40 schools in the Indian capital have been bombed, and the Indian government has called this act terrorist.
According to the report of Pakistan News Network from the Hindustan Times news website, the New Delhi Police added in its statement: A threatening email received by more than 40 schools in Delhi on Monday morning demanded $30,000 and threatened to detonate bombs if the amount was not paid.
The children were sent home as a precautionary measure, Indian police said.
A letter received by the schools said the bombs were small and “well” hidden and would not cause much damage to the building.
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The text of the email is as follows: I planted several bombs inside the school building. The bombs are small and well hidden. It does not cause much damage to the building. But many people are injured during the explosion, if I don’t get $30,000, I will detonate the bombs.
It is reported that these e-mails were sent to the e-mail address of the schools on December 8 at around 11:38 p.m.
Meanwhile, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi Marlena (of the Aam Aadmi Party) attacked the central government of India and said that the central government ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has failed in its sole duty to provide security.
He wrote on X social network: After the daily incidents of extortion, murder and shooting in Delhi, now there is news of bomb threats in schools. The law and order situation in Delhi has never been this bad before. The BJP-ruled central government has failed in its sole duty to provide security to the people of Delhi.
Arvind Kejriwal, the former chief minister of Delhi, also severely criticized Indian Home Minister Amit Shah and said: The people of Delhi have never seen such a bad law and order situation.
He also wrote on X channel: People of Delhi had never seen such a bad law and order situation in Delhi before. “Mr. Amit Shah” should come and answer to the people of Delhi.