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Nile to Euphrates plan; An aggressive strategy of the Zionists.

Nile to Euphrates plan; An aggressive strategy of the Zionists.

The Nile to Euphrates project is one of the most important ideas that the Zionist regime has sought to realize since its establishment. Repeating the claims related to this plan in the current situation where the Zionist regime has expanded the war from Gaza to Lebanon shows that it provides a legitimizing tool for the policy of geographical expansion.

The beginning of the idea from the Nile to the Euphrates

The Zionists have cited various sources for the “From the Nile to the Euphrates” project, which has been proposed for years by the leaders of this regime, the first of which is the Torah. The desire of some Western leaders to expand the Zionist regime to the ancient borders is also mentioned. Among other things, the British ambassador in Istanbul predicted as early as 1910 that “dominion of Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs, who forced the Jews to build the pyramids, is part of the future inheritance (regime) of Israel.” The early leaders of the Zionist regime also mentioned the intention of this regime to rule over large territories. Around 1900, Theodor Herzl and Isidore Bodenheimer routinely referred to Jewish settlements in Palestine and Syria.

In part of Herzl’s memoirs, he describes a discussion with the chancellor of the German Empire in which he asked Herzl how much land was needed for the government, to which Herzl replied, “The more immigrants, the more land we want. . . . We want autonomy.” And we want to protect ourselves.” On page 711 of Herzl’s memoirs (1960), it is stated that “we discussed with Bodenheimer what we wanted; From the river of Egypt to the Euphrates…” On pages 1294 and 1295 of the same book, it is also stated: “I wrote on a sheet… Sinai Peninsula, Palestine, Egypt, Cyprus… Sinai – Al-Arish – Cyprus plan”.

During the years after the establishment of the Zionist regime, this plan has been repeatedly mentioned by the leaders of this regime, including Moshe Dayan and Menachem Begin. This issue was specifically raised in the 1980s with the Zionist journalist Oded Yinion’s article titled “Israel’s Strategy for the 1980s” published in the Hebrew magazine Kivunim in the Information Department of the World Zionist Organization. In this article, Yenon presented two strategies for the survival of the Zionist regime: becoming an imperial regional power dissolving all Arab countries, and dividing them into small ethnic countries.

The approach of Arab leaders regarding the project from the Nile to the Euphrates

Repeating the claims of the leaders of the Zionist regime during the years after the formation of this regime provoked different comments among the leaders of the Arab countries. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1956-1970 argued that the Zionists sought a “Greater Israel” that would encompass the entire Central Middle East and thus turn Arab citizens into “a mass of refugees.” After 1985, Hafez Assad introduced the issue of “Greater Israel” as an imminent danger that the Arab world should mobilize against. Yasser Arafat, in his speech at the UN Security Council in May 1990, pointed out the efforts of the Zionist regime to expand beyond the borders as a threat to the entire region.

The approach of the current leaders of the Zionist regime to the Nile to Euphrates plan

In recent years, there is no clear indication that the Zionist regime and its leaders have given up on this goal; Especially after October 7th, these claims have increased significantly. In January 2024, Israeli politician Avi Lipkin said in a recorded file: “Eventually, our borders will extend from Lebanon to Saudi Arabia and then from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates.” Today, these claims are made especially by Smotrich, Minister of Finance, and Benguir, Minister of Internal Security of the Zionist regime. In a recent interview, Smotrich said while emphasizing this claim: “I say clearly that we want a Jewish state that includes Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.” Making these claims at this point reveals several points:

1- Zionist plan for Gaza

At the beginning of the Gaza war, Netanyahu proposed goals such as the destruction of Hamas. However, the words of ministers such as Smotrich and Ben Guerre regarding the occupation of Gaza, the settlement of Jews in that area, and the termination of humanitarian aid to the residents of Gaza, and the words of the Minister of Cultural Heritage of the Zionist regime, who called for the occupation of the Sinai Peninsula alongside Tel Aviv’s attacks on Lebanon, show that Tel Aviv It pursues goals beyond Palestine.

2- The need for Arabs to be more alert

The renewed claim of “from the Nile to the Euphrates” by the leaders of the Zionist regime in the past months points out the need for greater vigilance in the Arab world. Adnan Mansour, the former foreign minister of Lebanon, says: “We are facing a dangerous plan in which the Zionists are not only targeting the Gaza Strip or the West Bank and South Lebanon. The occupying regime of Quds is trying to dominate the entire region. This targeting has been done in Tel Aviv for a long time, but it is not understood by some countries and Arab countries. The silence of the Arab governments has led to confidence for Tel Aviv about the advancement of this dangerous plan.

3- Resistance efficiency

Considering the comprehensive support of the US and the West to the Zionist regime, it seems that if there were no resistance groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah against this regime, Tel Aviv would have been trying to realize this dream for a long time. Above all, these claims prove the necessity of balancing against Tel Aviv and the effectiveness of the weapon of resistance against it.

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