PNN – Pakistani documentary filmmaker Sabeen Agha told the newspaper JNS that I always wanted to come to Israel to find answers to all the questions in my mind and to dispel the confusion that my country and the Muslim world have been telling me about Jews. It can be inferred from the words of Sabine Agha, a prominent Pakistani member of the Zionist lobby, that Israeli atrocities are being condemned in New York, London, Sydney, Paris, Berlin, and throughout the United States, Europe, and the world, but these gold-digger Mossad agents are trying to deceive Pakistani public opinion for material and financial interests that Israel is not such a cruel and aggressive state as the whole world is saying. But the Pakistani nation, which stands in support of Hamas and Gaza, based on faith and facts, cannot accept the oppressive and aggressive Israel. The Zionist and Saudi plans will not succeed.
Details of the visit of Pakistani, Saudi and Zionist agents:
Israeli newspaper “Hyom” has revealed that Pakistani Mossad agents have secretly visited Israel. Zionist media has revealed that Mossad agents operating in Pakistan disguised as journalists and researchers secretly visited Tel Aviv last week, even though Pakistan is among Israel’s enemies and it is clearly written on the Pakistani passport that “This passport is acceptable in all countries except Israel.”
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The newspaper also reported that several precautionary measures were taken to protect the delegation, including not having entry and exit stamps stamped on the passports of agents working for Israel in Pakistan, nor was anyone allowed to know. Two women were among the ten agents working for the Zionist lobby in Pakistan. The Mossad’s Pakistani agents visited Yad Vashem, the Knesset, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Western Wall, and the areas of Tel Aviv and Sderot. They were also given a tour of the site of the attack on the “Nofa” festival during the Al-Aqsa storm. One of the members, journalist Qaiser Abbas, agreed to reveal his identity and told the Israeli newspaper Hum that he was visiting Israel in his personal capacity and that he did not think the Pakistani people would be offended by it.
Objectives of revealing secret visits:
Pakistani documentary filmmaker Sabin Agha, a member of the delegation, told the newspaper JNS that I had always wanted to come to Israel to find answers to all the questions in my mind and to dispel the confusion that my country and the Muslim world had been telling me about Jews.