PNN – Palestinian lawyer Khaled Mahajneh referred to the harsh and inhumane conditions of Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the occupying regime in a statement, emphasizing that the situation of these prisoners is catastrophic.
According to the report of Pakistan News Network, the Palestinian news agency (Wafa), the Palestinian lawyer added: How can a person wear the same clothes for more than 24 hours?
He said: In the prisons of the occupying regime, Palestinian and Arab prisoners have not changed their clothes for months.
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1,300 violations of the ceasefire agreement by the occupiers
Mahajaneh added: The clothes they wore when they entered prison are the same clothes they continue to wear to this day, without any changes or replacements.
The Palestinian Prisoners Club previously stated in a report that the occupiers do not hesitate to use any means to humiliate, suppress, and torture Palestinian prisoners and their families.
The report continues: The Zionist regime’s prison organization continues to torture prisoners, while all institutions of the occupying regime threaten prisoners and their families.
According to this report, the aim of all these crimes and threats, which are not limited to killing and depriving prisoners of their freedom, is to damage the position of Palestinian prisoners in Palestinian public opinion.