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Russia: As an occupying power, Israel has no right to defend itself

PNN – The permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations emphasized that the Israeli side, as an occupying power, has no right to defend itself for a long time, and said: “The current conflict in the Middle East must be stopped immediately, because every day the continuation of this situation brings more victims.”

According to the report of the International group of Pakistan News Network, quoting from “Tass” news agency, Vasily Nebenzia, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations last night at the 10th special emergency meeting of the General Assembly of this organization, announced that the Russian side wants to stop the conflicts between Palestine and Israel as soon as possible, because every day the continuation of this situation brings more victims.

“We call on the parties to the conflict to immediately stop the bloodshed and allow mediators to work on a diplomatic solution, including the swift release of the hostages,” Nebenzia said. According to him, such a policy is unavoidable and sooner or later, all parties to the conflict should think of solving the problem through negotiations, but every day the delay takes the lives of more innocent people.

The Russian diplomat pointed to the fact that the Israeli side no longer has the right to defend itself in the current conflict, as it is an occupying power. This conclusion comes from the final statement of the International Court of Justice in 2004.

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“This does not mean that the Israeli government does not have the right to guarantee its security,” the permanent representative of Russia emphasized. This (security) can only be fully guaranteed if there is a just solution to the Palestinian problem based on valid UN Security Council resolutions. Of course, we do not deprive Israel of the right to fight terrorism. But you have to fight with the terrorists, not with the innocent civilians living in the Gaza Strip. Otherwise, you will be the side of evil and you will act with the same method of assassination and killing.”

Lavrov’s conversation with Arab countries’ ambassadors about the current crisis in the Middle East

On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with the heads of diplomatic missions of Arab countries in Moscow and the special representative of the Arab League and exchanged views on the situation in the Palestinian and Israeli crisis zones.

In his speech, Lavrov emphasized the fundamental positions of the Russian government in order to establish a ceasefire, guarantee the protection of civilians, organize the evacuation of people from the region, and release hostages. He also spoke about the actions taken by Moscow at the level of the UN Security Council, which aim to resolve the situation through political and diplomatic means.

Diplomatic representatives of Arab countries, in turn, thanked Russia for its actions aimed at reducing tension and providing humanitarian aid to the people of the Gaza Strip. The Arab ambassadors have agreed with each other in supporting the principled policy that there is no alternative to the solution of “the existence of two independent states” for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through negotiations, and on the necessity of forming a collective mediation mechanism with the role of the leadership of the Middle East.

On the same day, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova announced that Moscow was in contact with all involved parties regarding the successful resolution of the hostage situation in the Gaza Strip. Pointing out that the people who have declared Russian citizenship as a second citizenship are still hostages of the Hamas group, he said: The Russian Foreign Ministry considers all these people to be Russian citizens and is working for their release.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced last night that the number of dead in the Gaza Strip has increased to 8,800 and 22,000 injured since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict. “About 73 percent of the victims in the Gaza Strip are children, the elderly, and women,” the report said.

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