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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Since the beginning of the Gaza war, Yemen has targeted 73 ships and warships.

Since the beginning of the Gaza war, Yemen has targeted 73 ships and warships.

According to Al Jazeera, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah group, in a speech referring to the war and aggression of the Zionist regime against Gaza, emphasized that the occupiers are committing the most heinous crimes and genocide in Gaza.

The leader of the Ansarullah group continued: “The martyrs of Gaza are not just numbers, they are the lost lives, the wounds, and the suffering of the destroyed people.” For the 160th day, the crimes of the Zionists continue in the Gaza Strip, and this war is a genocide in every sense. It is a shame to hear the statements and news about the possible loss of lives due to thirst in Gaza. The huge number of martyrs and wounded in Gaza, most of whom are children and women, is a source of global shame for those who claim civilization and chant rights, and this is a scandal for the international community.

Abdul Malik al-Houthi further added: that Israel’s enemy is committing the crime of the century with the participation of Americans and Western and Arab countries. America is increasing its contribution to the crime in Gaza by preventing the cessation of aggression and trying to circumvent the continuation of aggression and siege. The silence and negligence of Muslims, especially the majority of Arabs, contribute to the crime of the century against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The leader of the Ansarullah group also said: that Americans insist on continuing the genocide in Gaza and closing the crossings, and Washington is trying to bypass the Palestinians’ right to stop the aggression and end the siege. In Gaza, the Americans are acting deceptively, neither fully opening land corridors nor adding real ports or sea corridors through which essential needs flow. American air aid operations cover only a small percentage of Gaza’s needs. The Americans changed the issue of crime in Gaza from the need to bring in enough food and medicine for the people of the Gaza Strip to other options to provide very little aid that even these aids do not prevent deaths from starvation and the methods of bypassing the blockade of Gaza by America is part of the aggression against the Palestinian people. America provides tons of bombs to kill the people of Gaza in exchange for limited aid.

Al-Houthi further said: The Islamic Republic of Iran alone among the Islamic countries helped the Mujahideen of Gaza in defense of the entire Palestinian nation. If Muslims had seriously supported the resistance, the picture of the battle of Gaza would have been different. Americans and Western countries have no shame in providing weapons to the Israeli enemy to complete their genocidal crime in Gaza. Also, some Arab regimes not only act against the resistance but also try to distort it. Arab countries are trying to criminalize the resistance and still arrest some people for supporting the resistance.

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