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Friday, September 20, 2024

Sputnik: The sudden change in the position of the Americans on the Gaza war is for electoral purposes

PNN – The sudden change in the approach of the White House and the American media in expressing sympathy for the Palestinians and the claim of the President of this country, Joe Biden, about the red line in the Gaza Strip, has become the subject of the American presidential election propaganda.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, Sputnik news agency wrote: The main media in America such as the New York Times and CNN reported this week that the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli forces (regime) is the cause of widespread hunger in the civilian population of this region.

In an interview with “MSNBC” news channel, Biden also said that the Gaza Strip is his “red line” and stressed that it is not possible to kill 30,000 more Palestinians to destroy Hamas.

Robinder Sachdev, an analyst of economic and geopolitical diplomacy and the Indian independent think tank “Imjinda” said: Such a change in the rhetoric of the country that is the most serious ally (regime) of Israel is related to the upcoming US presidential elections.

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He told Sputnik news agency: If there were no elections this year and the US presidential elections were held next year, there would have been no change in President Biden’s position regarding the current crisis of the Israeli regime.

Sachdev said that he doubts that there will be a fundamental change in the US policy towards the Israeli regime and that the country will continue to support this regime in the Security Council or anywhere else.

He added: On the one hand, the White House seeks to maintain its “full support for Israel” and on the other hand, “rhetoric about humanitarian aid”.

Ezzat Saad, the former ambassador of Egypt in Russia, also confirmed the views of this analyst and said that if there were no elections, there would not have been a fundamental change in the views of the mainstream media about the concern of the future war for the Palestinians.

He assessed this change in opinion as a result of the pressure of American public opinion, including leftists in the Democratic Party and Americans of Arab and Muslim descent.

The Egyptian official also said that a fundamental change in America’s position will not be far from expected because the United States has quietly provided arms support to the Israeli regime and protected Tel Aviv from international condemnation in the Security Council.

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