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Friday, September 20, 2024

Terrorists in Iraq take orders from the American occupiers.

Terrorists in Iraq take orders from the American occupiers.

According to Al-Maloumah, Iraqi political and security expert Kazem al-Haj stressed that all security threats related to terrorism in Iraq will end with the withdrawal of foreign forces, especially the Americans.

He added: Whenever the issue of expelling American soldiers from Iraq is raised, the number of terrorist operations in this country increases.

Al-Haj added: This issue indicates that terrorist elements are operating in Iraq based on the orders of the American military.

He stated: The national will in Iraq, which arose from religious thoughts, as well as the political will in this country, based on the presence of Islamic resistance groups, has been able to prove that all foreign forces stationed in Iraq are occupying forces.

Al-Hajj emphasized that these invaders have deployed spy groups affiliated with America and the Zionist regime in the country. It is possible to amend the former resolution of the Iraqi parliament to expel the American forces so that it is broader and includes military and strategic forces.

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