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Friday, September 20, 2024

The calamity that the Yemeni fighters brought upon the Zionists.

The calamity that the Yemeni fighters brought upon the Zionists.

According to the September 26 news site of Yemen, based on the reports of the media affiliated with the Israeli regime, the ships of the Zionist enemy and the ships related to this regime have changed their sea route from the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandeb and are bypassing Africa.

The Zionist “Globes” newspaper, which specializes in economic news, wrote about this: The authorities of Eilat port are planning to fire their workers and close the port due to the decrease in the activity of this port, and this position has been informed to the authorities of the Zionist regime.

Pointing out that shipping companies now prefer to reach Haifa port instead of Eilat and Ashdod ports, this newspaper quoted Gideon Golbar, the director of this port, as saying: Yemeni threats It has affected all the ships coming from East Asia, including Japan, India and China, which have to pass through the Bab al-Mandab strait and the Red Sea to reach the occupied territories.

Referring to the situation of Eilat port after companies such as “Zim” and others announced that they have changed the shipping route from the east and should revolve around “Ras al-Raja al-Saleh”, this newspaper wrote, quoting Eilat port authorities: The way to reach this port is very long and almost no ships travel to this port.

The “Institute of Internal Security of Israel” also stated in a report that changing the route of the ships imposes a large economic burden due to the addition of about 30 shipping days and more fuel consumption due to the trip around Africa and their return compared to crossing the Suez Canal. .

The Zionist newspaper “Marker”, which is published by “Haaretz” group, published a report a few days ago in which it quoted the CEO of a food import company and wrote: “All exporters in the world and all shipping companies refrain from bringing goods to The occupied territories are afraid and anyway the whole market [of the Zionist regime] is suffering from stagnation and the situation is getting worse.

This importer of goods to the occupied territories stated that we have received news that Chinese shipping companies are canceling their voyages to the occupied territories, and added: I am an importer of goods and if the transportation takes 30 days It will take 65 days now, I will be charged for one month and there is also the issue of food quality.

This newspaper quoted “Jura Flonsker”, the vice president of “Marsh Israel” – the Israeli branch of the largest insurance broker in the world, as saying: “The lengthening of shipping routes increases the price of insurance, and the increase in insurance prices has a multiple effects on the cost of imports.”

He stated: The increase in the insurance price is applied to the goods and to the ship, so the cost of transportation will also increase, and then the price will increase twice because two different entities buy the insurance.

“Marker” newspaper quoted Gideon Gulber, the executive director of Eilat port, as saying: “This port is currently idle, cars will no longer come here, and the rest of the ships will suffer.”

Over the past few days, Israeli media and foreign news agencies published many reports about the effects of the military operations of the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea on the economy of the Zionist regime and described the military operations of the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea as “a blow to the trade between the Israeli regime and Asian countries.”

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