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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Consequences Of The Aqsa Storm For The Zionists.

The Consequences Of The Aqsa Storm For The Zionists.

“When the cruelty and crime have exceeded the limit when the capacity has reached its limit, one should wait for the storm.” Al-Aqsa storm operation was born in such conditions. As the supreme leader of the revolution described, this calamity was caused by the actions of the Zionists themselves.

A year has passed since that historic day that divided the world system into before and after. Today, more than 41,000 people have been martyred in Gaza, but many Palestinians living in Gaza still believe that there is no other option but to carry out this operation. According to a survey by the Palestinian Policy Research Center, two-thirds of Palestinians living in Gaza support this operation. Along with all the bitterness, October 7 also had positive consequences.

Breaking the myth of impenetrability

Perhaps the most important achievement of the Al-Aqsa storm operation is that October 7 shattered the long-standing image of the invincibility and impenetrability of the Zionist regime. This event showed that the regime can no longer predict the attacks of resistance groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah or have an adequate deterrence against these attacks. The deterrence equation in the region has finally changed; The path that was continued later with the operations of Sadeq 1 and 2. The previous approach, which emphasized short-term military engagements, may no longer be viable given the current security landscape.

Expansion of insecurity throughout the occupied lands

The second positive result can be seen in the insecurity of the occupied territories. The greatest concern was about the living conditions and security of the residents of the occupied territories and illegal settlements in the north, but today the fear has taken root deep in the lives of the residents of Tel Aviv and Haifa. The Zionist regime intended to return the residents of the north of the occupied territories who fled the terror of the war to their homes, and today nowhere is safe. More than 550,000 Israelis emigrated from the occupied territories in the first six months of the war. These migrations caused a 285% increase in the departure of Israelis from the occupied territories. Also, the departure of wealthy immigrants and investors from Israel caused Israel to leave the list of countries that attract wealthy immigrants for the first time.

Thirdly, this operation, as a symbol of Palestinian resistance against the occupation of the Zionist regime, strengthened national identity and increased solidarity among Palestinians. This action showed that the resistance was still alive and could stand against the aggression of the Zionist regime.

Changing security equations

The fourth positive consequence is that the Al-Aqsa storm operation changed the military and security equations by penetrating deep into Israel and attacking Zionist settlements. This operation showed that the Palestinian resistance can effectively penetrate the occupied territories and challenge the security of this regime.

Attracting the attention of the world’s public opinion to Palestine can be considered as the fifth achievement of the Al-Aqsa storm. This operation caused the Palestinian issue to be at the top of the international news once again and drew the world’s attention to the situation of the Palestinian people and the crimes of Israel. The image of hundreds of thousands of demonstrations from New York to London is the manifestation of this global awakening.

According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, 52 percent of young Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 say they sympathize with the Palestinians. This statistic has changed significantly compared to October. Also, in this survey, it was found that 66% of young people under the age of 34 in America are strongly critical of Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

According to a new survey of the people of 16 Arab countries, 89 percent of the respondents in the Arab world are against recognizing Israel. Not only does this figure represent a near-unanimous position against normalization in the Arab world, it also represents a 5 percent increase in opposition to Israel compared to the 2022 poll, where 84 percent opposed recognizing Israel. In the latest survey by the Ugav Institute about the support of British citizens for the suspension of the export of some weapons to Israel, nearly 50% of the people of this country supported this idea.

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