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Friday, September 20, 2024

The great march of Yemenis with the slogan “Together with Gaza until victory”

PNN – The people of Yemen once again emphasized their support for Gaza and its resistance by holding a magnificent march in Saada province with the slogan “Together with Gaza until victory”.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, Yemeni citizens held a massive march today in Saada province, located in the northwest of Yemen, with the slogan “Together with Gaza to victory”.

In this magnificent march, the Yemenis issued a statement and announced: We emphasize our standing with the Palestinian nation and its heroic warriors and we will not sit quietly as the Zionist regime’s crimes against them continue.

It is stated in this statement: “Preventing the passage of ships to the occupied Palestinian ports until the full needs of our brothers in Gaza are met is a blessed act.”

The participants in the magnificent march of Saada sent greetings to the resistance fighters on all fronts and announced that Yemen has no enmity with any country in the world except the Zionist criminal enemy.

The Yemeni people in today’s march in Saada asked the Arab and Islamic countries to break their silence regarding the aggression of the Zionist regime in Gaza.

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