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Friday, September 20, 2024

The head of the military intelligence department of the Israeli army resigns

PNN – The Zionist media reported that following the failure and surprise of this regime in the Al-Aqsa storm operation against the Palestinian resistance on October 7, the head of the military intelligence department of the Zionist regime announces his resignation.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, the Zionist newspaper Yediot Aharnot announced that following the defeat of the Zionist regime in Al-Aqsa storm and the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, the head of the army’s military intelligence department resigned today, and this is the first resignation since the start of the war against Gaza.

The circles of the Zionist regime had previously criticized this regime’s miscalculation in the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. The Zionist leaders implied that they did not anticipate that Iran would give such a response to the attack on its consulate.

The newspaper wrote that Aharon Halifa, the head of the military intelligence department, had made his initial decision to resign early in the war in the wake of successive defeats, but in recent weeks decided to carry it out.

Read more:

Ireland: Israel has violated international humanitarian law in Gaza

According to Yediot Aharnot, this matter remained a secret and no one except his relatives was informed, but this morning he went to the Chief of Staff of the Army and announced his resignation to him.

Zionist Channel 13 also reported that Aharon Halifa will resign and will not wait for the end of the war.

The differences between the members of the Zionist War Council regarding the priority of the release of the Zionist prisoners or the continuation of the war have intensified, and while the team of “Benyamin Netanyahu” insists on the continuation of the war, the Gantz team wants to negotiate for the release of the prisoners.

After more than 6 months have passed since the Zionist regime invaded the Gaza Strip without any results and achievements, this regime is sinking more and more into its internal and external crises day by day.

During this period, the Zionist regime has not achieved anything other than crime, massacre, destruction, war crimes, violation of international laws, bombing of relief organizations and famine in this region.

The Israeli regime has lost this war regardless of any gains in the future, and even after 6 months, it has not been able to force the resistance groups in a small area that has been under siege for years to surrender, and even the support of the world public opinion for committing obvious crimes in Gaza has lost.

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